Chapter 7

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Chapter seven

I heard knocking on the door downstairs from Tom’s bedroom I guess it was Nath as he said he was coming to help but Tom still refused to let me go, I was trying to get down stairs but Tom had locked the bedroom door and hid the Key “Tom no matter what, I’m not getting rid of my baby” i said sighing tired from looking for the key “Please I don’t want to split up from you, we’ve been together for years I don’t want to end it now!” He said starting to cry, I could see he really loved me and I really loved him I guess I want to stay with him but to get rid of my baby I stood there, the room was silent for quite a long time till “Ok, I’ll .... Can i think about it” I eventually blurted out “Really, ya i mean ya you can have to tomorrow” His face shot up he moved towards the door and opened it “That’s it your just going to let me out now cause of that?” I asked really confused, He just looked at me and pointed down stairs, I didn’t want to stay there any longer so I just walked as fast as i could down the stairs and out the door where Nath was waiting “You ok babe, are you hurt, what happened “He said pulling me close to him for a hug as he did i burst into tears “Can we go Home?” i whispered in his ear, he took me by the hand and we walked home. We got home and sat down on the couch “Do you want a cuppa” I heard Nath say from behind me before places a kiss on my forehead, I nodded whilst grabbing a tissues to wipe my eyes. I now had to think about if I was going to keep my baby or not, i either get rid of it and stay with Tom or keep it and stay with Nath I could feel my eyes starting to water but i wasn’t going to cry I’ve cried to many times already. Nath came in and gave me a cup “are you ok?” he said whilst placing another kiss on my forehead “I don’t know Nath!” I said whilst taking a sip of my drink “What happened at Toms?” He asked taking my hand “He wanted me to get rid of our baby!”  I said whilst taking another sip “Oh ok, well are you?” He said looking up at me “I don’t want to but I love Tom but I love you it’s all messed up Nath!” I said starting to cry again “Jess there’s something I’ve got to tell you!”  He said looking at my hand stroking the back of my knuckles “What is it?” I said started to become worried about what he was going to tell me “When you went to Tom’s a couple of minutes later the boys came round Jay max and seev yano! He said carrying on stroking my knuckles “They haven’t kicked you out of The Wanted have they!” I blurted out I knew that band ment loads to him, he looked up at and shook his head, i sighed with relief “They nearly did but they couldn’t, I have to go Gloucester with them, it’s to do with work yano!” he said looking up at me “With Tom” I said worriedly “Yeh with Tom” he answered “But, you know what he did to you, I don’t want you get hurt again Nath!” I said sadly “I know but Kev says we have to, we are leaving at 8 am tomorrow!” He said putting his empty cup on the table “That soon, i’ll miss you though loads you’ve been there for me every time I’m down Nath” I said putting down my empty cup “I know and I’ll miss you to but I have to go, I need to pack now Jess” He sighed and placed a kiss on my forehead, Nath started walking up the stairs until he got half way then stopped “Hey Jess, You can stay here whilst I’m gone, if ya want to!” He shouted down the stairs “Thanks Nath!” I shouted back. The  Afternoon went by fast and it soon became night, i hadn’t been on twitter for a long time so i updated my profile i didn’t change my profile picture of me and tom or my name Mrs Parker I didn’t feel like it

“My Boys are going away tomorrow I’ll miss them loads X”

I read all the tweets back people were sending and the Rt’s and favourites adding up but i noticed people were talking about me and Tom somehow they know what happened my heart sank a little but I didn’t bring it up, a couple of minutes later Jay tweeted me

“You mean you’ll miss Nath!”

I could see Jay hated me for this we used to be dead close, we won’t be as close as we were then i guess now! I turned off twitter and decided to go bed. I said night to Nath and went bed!

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