Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

We got home and I sat Nathan down on the coach “I’ll get some tissues!” I assured him I went into the kitchen to get him some tissues, as i made my way back into the living room my phone rang, i gave Nath the tissues and took my phone out of my bag “Who is it?” Nath asked weekly “It’s Jay?” I answered nervously. I answered the phone “Hello” it went silent until Jay spoke “Where are you?” I looked down at Nath who sat there holding the tissues against his face whilst listening in to the convocation “I’m at Nathans house with Nath why?” I heard Jay talking to someone on the other end of the phone “Tom wants to see you now!” My eyes widened “Tom wants to see me, he said 5-10 minutes ago he didn’t want to see me ever again!” i said in a kind of sarcastic voice “Yeh well he wants to see you now, Oh and not Nathan he hast to stay away from Tom from now on or for now any way” He added before putting down the phone. “What’s the matter?” Nathan asked looking up at me, I went and sat by Nath helping him to clean his face up “Tom wants to see me now!” i added whilst cleaning the blood from around Naths cheek “Now!” He added whilst he screwed up his nose in pain “Ya i guess, but i can’t just leave you like this!” i exclaimed whilst getting some new tissues out “I’ll be fine, it’s not like you’re going to be long, just be careful yano” he insured me taking my hand “Ok, thanks Nath, I’ll be back soon promise” i said whilst kissing his forehead, i said bye to Nath and made my way out of the door and down Nath’s street when My phone vibrated in my pocket

“Are you coming?” Jay

“Ya I’m coming be there in 5” Me

It was from Jay, i texted him back saying that i was coming and put my phone back in my pocket before carrying back walking to Tom’s house. I turned onto Tom’s street and carried on my way to his house, as i came closer i saw that jay’s car was still there so i guessed Jay was there! I reached the door and knocked on i didn’t want to just go in even though the key was in my bag. A couple of seconds later Jay answered the door “Toms in the kitchen” he said giving me an evil eye “Has Tom told you?” i whispered hoping that Tom wouldn’t hear Jay just nodded and gave me another evil eye, so i just walked into the house and towards the kitchen, as i approached the kitchen i saw max and seev coming out they two giving me an evil eye so i guessed Tom had told them too. I knocked on the door and pushed it open, Tom was standing by the table with something in his hand “When did it happen?” Tom mumbled lifting up his head to look at me “That night we went to that bar, it was i mistake, it wasn’t ment to happen we are just friends” I said as i could feel my eyes starting to water “ Just friends but you still managed, did you even love me?” he questioned me tightening his fist “cause i loved you, we had one too many drinks and... it was a mistake please Tom it wasn’t ment to happen don’t blame it on Nath if anything you should blame it on me!” I said as i started feeling the tears falling down my face “I still love you Jessica, and we can see be together!” he exclaimed as he started to walk towards me, i just stood there whilst wiping the tears from my eyes, he took my hand and placed something in my hand “What’s this” i asked as i opened my hand, as i realized what he gave me my heart sank “Please I can’t, i know it’s not yours but that’s the one thing i can’t do I’m sorry but no!” Tom turned away sharply, “       Don’t do this Jessica, I love you and i only can be with you if you get rid of it” he said as he started to get annoyed, i could see him reaching to a plate that was on the table “Tom what you doing?” I asked but he didn’t answer i started to get scared so i started to step closer and closer to the door slowly, i placed the pill on the table and reached out for the door handle “Where do you think you’re going?” He said sternly at this moment he was holding the plate, there was a horrible atmosphere and i didn’t want to stay “I’m going hom..... I mean to Nath’s!” i exclaimed trying to cover up my nerves “We haven’t finished yet?” He said turning around to face me “Yeh well I want to go, i think it’s best for now!” i said looking at the plate in his hand. I didn’t turn my back to him i just edged my way to the door and into the living room slowly, he finally put the plate down which made me less nervous but he grabbed the pill and started to follow me “Please Jess take it I love you and i know you still love me!” he said trying to reach my hand “I can’t, I won’t be able to live with myself knowing that i killed my child” i answered as i turned around now making my way to the front door, i couldn’t see max jay or seev so they must have gone when we were talking “Jess i don’t want to force you but” he shouted whilst running past me blocking the door “Tom let me past! I haven’t got time for this” I said starting to get annoyed myself “Sorry but i can’t let you go I love you too much!” he said sighing “I’m sorry Tom but i have to go your scaring me” i exclaimed whilst taking out my phone

"Help Nath please, At Toms house but he’s locked me in and i can’t get out X”

“What you doing?” Tom asked looking at me then my phone then me again “getting help, as you won’t let me out!” I said putting my phone back in my pocket, I could see Tom wasn’t happy “I’m sorry Jess but” before i could do anything he grabbed my arm and pulled me upstairs!

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