Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

I couldn’t face Tom not now he knows, I can’t face him to tell him the truth. I had stayed round Naths again that night, and slept in the spare room. I couldn’t sleep that night I was too scared and upset. It was around 9 in the morning and I was sitting up in bed thinking of ways of how tom will react, thinking of ways of how people could get hurt everything I was thinking of could happen just because of something I did! 10 minutes had past and I was still sitting there thinking until I heard someone knocking on the door after a couple of knocks nath must of answered it, I got off the bed and walked up to the door I leant against the door trying to listen to see who it was but all I could here was crying. I carried on listening till it hit me, my heart soon sank as I worked out who it was, it was Tom. I walked back to the bed and set on the edge of the bed I held my head in my hands until i looked up, as i did I saw my phone on the side cupboard i reached over and turned on my phone when it had turned on I had 9 missed calls and 15 messages! All from Tom! I felt a tear fall down my face, why did I have to strew things up? Things were perfect before! Time soon past as I read all the messages whilst more tears fell down my face. The door shut, I raised my head looking up from my phone as I heard footsteps approach my door “Jessica, are you awake?” nath asked in a very deep voice “Ya I’m awake” I answered copying his deep voice as he walked in I asked deeply “Was that Tom?” Nath just stood there until he nodded his head, the room fell into an awkward silence, until nath broke it “You have to tell him today, its breaking him Jessica and you now it will just hurt more if you tell him any later!” I looked up at nath then looked at my phone, I was just about to type a message to Tom on my phone when Nath took it “You got to tell him face to face, I’m sorry Jessica but it’s hurting me seeing you and Tom this way, Please Jessica” I knew Nath was right so I nodded and stood up “Ok, I will get ready and go round to see him now” Nath went out the room soon as he left I broke down into tears I knew this was the end of me and Tom for good. After I had got ready i said bye to Nath “I’ll come in a couple of minutes, me and the boy’s are coming over, so I’ll be there for you!” he said before I left his house. I didn’t know where Tom would be so I texted him

“You at Home? Xx”

I had no answer so I carried on walking to the house anyway I reached our street and started walking slowly to our house, I couldn’t concentrate I was thinking of too many things I reached the door too quick I had no time to think about how I was going to say it too him! I took I deep breath and got out my key to open the door, the room was dark and the curtains were still shut, so I put my bag down I didn’t bother with my shoes I knew I wasn’t going to be there for long anyway I wouldn’t be wanted I would be the last face he would want to see, I did cheat on him with his best mate! I opened the curtains and as I did I heard shuffling behind me, I hesitated before turning around to see Tom in the door way! The awkward silence fell again until Tom muttered “Where have you been?” I looked up at his face noticing tears running down his face. He came closer to me “Well, where have you been?” He repeated “I been with a mate” I answered trying not to cry, I expected him to hit me or throw something at a wall but instead he took my hands and looked into my eyes “Why didn’t you tell me? I’ve been worried about you!” he said softly. I couldn’t help myself but bursed into tears, he sat me down on the sofa and wrapped his arms round me! “I’m sorry about yesterday I didn’t mean to be angry, I just..I I I don’t know, please don’t cry Jess I love you, and ill care after you and our baby no matter what!” I took his arms from around me and stood up “I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry!” I answered whilst crying my eyes out “What’s the matter why are you sorry? It’s not your falt!” I was about to answer but my phone bleeped “Who’s that?” Tom asked worriedly I took out my phone, it was from nath

"Are you ok? Have you told Tom yet? Xx”

Oh typical Nathan. Just great. My heart dropped as I saw toms face looking at me “Who is it?” Tom said taking my phone “TOM plea....” I stopped as I saw his face drop “What do you have to tell me Jessica?” He questioned me looking rather worried, I took I deep breath and replied nervously “It well, The well, I.... The baby not yours” I quickly blurted out and turned away from Tom and started walking to the door at a quick pace as tears were running down my face, I was about to open the door before Tom grabbed my arm “What do you mean the babies not mine?” he said sternly, I turned around and looked at him his eyes starting to fill with water “It’s not yours I I Its..” I got interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Tom turned away from me he walked past me over to the door and opened it my heart sank even more it was Jay, Max, Seev and Nath (members of the wanted) “You ok you look like you’ve been crying, well are crying” I heard jay say looking up at Tom, I saw Nath looking at me which made me cry even more “Can you guys wait in the back room, me and Jess are just talking at the moment” Tom exclaimed looking at me wickedly. As they made their way into the back room Tom shut the door and walked over to me “so carry on, if it’s not mine whose is it then?” I turned away for a couple of seconds and dried my eyes before looking back “I It’s n n Nathans, I’m sorry Tom please just..” before I could carry on he pushed me out of the way and made his way to the back room, I quickly got up and chased after him “ please Tom wait!!!” I couldn’t do anything! He got Nathan and chucked him to the ground and started beating him “TOM PLEASE STOP IT!! Please TOM just stop it!” I shouted “Tom what you doing” “yeh Tom what you doing get off Nathan!” the boys shouted trying to get Tom off Nath eventually they got Tom off Nathan, nath had a nose bleed and bruises over his face “Tom what’s going on?” Max asked as I went to get nath “you better ask them two” Tom said pointing at me and Nathan “Do you want me get an ambulance?” Seev asked “No we’ll be fine just need to get nath home” I assured seev I got nath up and carried him to the door “WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING?” Tom shouted to us “SOMEWHERE AWAY FROM YOU!” I shouted back I heard him shout back things like “You did this” and “I never want to see you two again” as we walked through the door but all I cared about now was Nath, he was very weak, he wasn’t strong enough to stand by himself so I helped him walk home “You ok?”I heard him mumble “Ya I’m fine I’m more worried about you, I did this to you I’m so sorry!” I said as I started to break down into tears again “It’s not your fault, I’m fine” he replied in a painful sort of voice.

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