Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

Walking up to the familiar apartment where I’d lived for the past year and a half now I felt a sudden wash of nerves in the pit of my stomach. I breathed in deeply before pulling out my key and opening the door. I walked into the apartment furrowing my eyebrows in confusion as I heard muffled shouts through the kitchen door, I shut the door quietly and placed my bag down on the couch. I walked up to the kitchen door slowly trying to hear the conversation that was going on, from what I could make it out it was Tom and Jay shouting at each other, by the sounds of it Jay wasn’t too happy. “You need to tell her mate, soon,” I heard Jay say, my breath caught in my throat as he said those seven words, Tom had a secret too? I let out a shaky breath before pushing the door open slightly. Both boys snapped their heads towards me, a worried look on Tom’s face. He soon plastered a fake smile on his face and made his way over to me. “Babe, I’ve missed you,” he said as he embraced me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head against his chest, his heart was beating extremely fast, which worried me slightly. “I’ve missed you too,” I whispered. He pulled away and smiled weakly at me. I turned my attention to Jay and gave him a quick hug. “Not seen you for a while Jess, where you been hiding?” he winked at me. “Just been with Nath,” I smiled, he nodded in understanding before looking at Tom. There was an awkward atmosphere and it made me feel very uncomfortable. “I best be off then,” Jay said before smiling weakly at me. I nodded and he said goodbye before walking towards the front door. Tom followed him and I stayed by the kitchen door just watching them, Jay whispered something to Tom and he looked at me nervously before nodding at Jay and closing the door behind him. I watched Tom as he locked the front door and hesitated before turning to face me. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly before walking towards me, he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to him before placing a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled slightly, missing this feeling. “You want a cuppa?” Tom asked as he rested his forehead against mine, I nodded slightly biting my lip as he released me from his grip. I made my way into the living room and turned on the TV, trying to distract myself from the conversation I’d just heard between Tom and Jay. A few moments later Tom returned and handed me a cup, I thanked him offering him a smile before he sat down and focused his attention on the TV. I watched him intently wondering what was going on his head, he obviously had something to tell me; a secret, just like me. “You okay, babe?” he asked as he noticed me watching him, I averted my eyes taking a sip of my tea and nodded slightly. The room fell into an awkward silence, only the sound of the TV playing in the background. I didn’t like this, I wasn’t used to the silence. “You kinda look like you have something to tell me,” I suddenly blurted out biting my lip slightly, worried of his reaction. He snapped his head towards me and stared at me for a moment before his eyes dropped and he let out a long sigh. He moved forward and placed his cup on the table, he shuffled closer to me and took mine off me, doing the same. He took my hands in his and stroked the back of my knuckles slightly. I watched him closely as he played with my fingers; a look of concentration on his face. “Is there something you need to tell me Jess?” he finally asked. I looked up at him with a confused expression on my face, the only thing I did have to tell him was something he couldn’t possibly have a clue about, could he? I shook my head pretending to be oblivious as to what he was getting at, I felt so guilty right now. “Please don’t lie to me, Jessica,” he said seriously. I gulped looked around the room awkwardly, he only called me by my full name when it was something serious. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Tom,” I said trying my best to convince him but he wasn’t having any of it. “Lies,” he said before getting up and pacing the living room trying to calm his nerves. “I know, Jessica. I know that you’re pregnant, I found the test,” he spat out before storming off. I continued staring at the spot in front of me not quite sure what to do. If he was annoyed at this, he was going to be even worse than this when he finds out it’s not his. I let out a shaky sigh as I felt a few tears escape and fall down my cheeks. I quickly got up and pulled on my converse before walking out and back to Nathan’s. I know I’d just seen him but I needed to speak to him, he needed to know and I needed my best friend. I hurried down the street at a fast pace, avoiding the people walking towards me. I turned the corner of Nathan’s street and began running until I reached his door. I tapped on the door loudly waiting for him to answer, as I got more impatient I knocked again, and again, and again. “I’m coming!” Nathan quickly opened the door and I stepped in rushing past him, he closed the door and turned to face me as I broke down into tears. “What’s wrong?” he asked as he pulled me into his embrace, I sobbed quietly into Nathan’s chest as he stroked my back softly unable to produce any words at this moment in time. He guided me into his living room before sitting me down on the sofa, I kept my head buried into his chest as my body shook from the sobs. He shuffled backwards slightly to get himself comfy and wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer to him, he kissed my forehead and shh’d me as he began to play with my hair, something he used to do when we were younger to calm me down. Once I’d finally calmed down a little Nathan pulled me up at arm’s length and smiled weakly at me before wiping away my tears. “Now tell me what happened,” he said calmly as he repositioned himself. “Tom know’s Nathan,” I said quietly causing Nathan’s eyes to widen in shock, “He knows that I’m pregnant, he found the test and he completely freaked out,” I sniffed as I felt more tears forming, “But he thinks it’s his, Nathan he’s going to go completely mental when he finds out, I can’t do this,” I cried before burying my head in my hands. “Hey,” I heard Nathan’s soft voice before he grabbed my hands forcing me to look up at him, “I know it’s gonna be hard for him to hear it and he probably will go mental but you have to tell him Jessica, you don’t have a choice, I’ll be there with you and I promise you it’ll be fine, okay?” he said looking deep into my eyes, I nodded and sniffed again before letting out a deep breath. Nathan sighed and pulled me back towards him as he rocked me slowly, “I promise it’ll be okay.”

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