Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

I followed Nathan into his apartment with an apparent smile on my face, I don’t know why I was so happy, I guess I wasn’t thinking about what I had to face later on. “Go and get ready we’re going out, to celebrate if you like,” Nathan said as he turned to face me, I nodded and pulled him into a hug before heading upstairs to get ready. I had a quick shower and dried my hair putting in a few curls, I applied a little make-up and pulled on a white lace dress with dolly shoes. “Hurry up, taxi’s here,” I heard Nathan shout. I checked myself over in the mirror one more time before grabbing my bag and heading downstairs. “Beautiful,” Nathan smiled before kissing the side of my head, I thanked him and followed him out the door. We were in the taxi for around half an hour and I had no clue where we were going. We finally arrived at the destination and I gasped as I exited the taxi. This was the place me and Nathan came to once when we were younger. It was an old abandoned barn that had been refurbished into a Italian restaurant. “How did you find this place, Nath?” I asked. He shrugged and wrapped his arm around my shoulders before guiding me into the restaurant. “I have my ways,” he winked at me. “Table for two?” the waiter asked, Nathan nodded before following the waiter to our table. After getting over the shock of the price I finally decided on my order and told the waiter, she smiled sweetly at us both before walking away. I smiled weakly at Nathan and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “What’s up Jessica?” he asked, I sighed slightly and licked my lips before taking a sip of my drink. “Are you scared, Nathan?” I asked him, curious as to what he thought of the situation. He looked almost shocked by my question, I don’t know why; I was absolutely terrified. “Yeah, I mean I guess a baby’s a big deal, right?” he said unsure about his answer. I nodded slightly and smiled at him as I fiddled with the napkin in front of me. Nathan placed his hand on top of mine and stroked my knuckles slightly, I looked up at him and he smiled at me softly. “I’m here for you though, all the way; I promise.” I nodded slightly and took in a deep breath trying to fight back the tears I could feel brewing. “Thanks Nathan,” I whispered, “I just can’t believe it,” I said as I ran my hands through my hair. Nathan smiled sadly at me and nodded in agreement. “You need to think about how you’re going to tell Tom,” Nathan reminded me, I looked up at him with a pained expression, I knew I had to I just didn’t want to. “I know it’s gonna be hard, but he needs to know Jessica, there’s no avoiding this.” I sat back in my chair and crossed my arms like a naughty child, Nathan chuckled and shook his head at me. “Such a child,” he said, I stuck my tongue out at him causing him to laugh loudly which made me giggle. “There’s the smile I love so much,” Nathan said causing me to blush. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pulled it out to see I had a text from Tom, my face quickly dropped and I gulped before reading it.

‘Babe, I haven’t seen you for like three days now, are you okay? I’m getting worried. XXXX’

I smiled at his cuteness, he would get worried. “Everything okay?” Nathan asked, I looked up to him and smiled before nodding. “Just Tom asking where I am,” I said, Nathan smiled weakly before taking another sip of his drink.

‘I’m fine Tom, just chilling with Nate xxx’

I put my phone back in my pocket and turned my attention back to Nathan who was watching me closely. “So, Champagne?” Nathan asked, I nodded smiling widely at him. He called over the waiter and she soon came back with a bottle of Champagne and two glasses pouring each of us a drink. “To baby Sykes,” Nathan winked, I giggled and clinched my glass against his.“To baby Sykes,” I repeated quietly before taking a swig of the substance.“Oh and by the way, you’re only allowed one glass and then no alcohol for nine months, okay?” Nathan said raising an eyebrow at me, I groaned before agreeing and taking another sip. A few minutes later the food arrived and we both dug in, I hadn’t eaten yet today so I was starving. Once we’d finished our food we went to pay for the bill, after much argument with Nath I finally let him pay for the whole thing and we made our way out, Nathan grabbed my hand in a friendly manner as we left the building. As we walked outside we were suddenly greeted with lots of flashes and mobs of people. Great, someone must have tipped them off that we were here. Nathan wrapped his arm around my shoulder and guided me through the crowd of people as they shot question after question at us, most of them recognising me as Tom’s girlfriend and wondering if we were having an affair. This made me kind of anxious. We finally reached the taxi and climbed in, the whole way home was silent, neither of us spoke a word until we reached our destination and we thanked the driver. We walked up to Nathan’s apartment and he opened the door and gestured for me to enter, I shook my head slightly causing him to frown. “I should probably get home to Tom, he’s been wondering where I am,” I said. Nathan nodded slowly and bit his lip. “Are you- Are you gonna tell him?” he asked as he searched my eyes and I looked away awkwardly. I don’t think I was ready to tell him yet, but I couldn’t put this off for too long, it wouldn’t be fair. I shook my head at Nathan and his face relaxed slightly, “I was hoping we could maybe do it together?” I asked and I noticed Nathan’s body stiffen, I knew what he was thinking, a smack in the face from Parker. Not the best way to go about it, but I didn’t want to do this alone. “Yeah sure, come around tomorrow and we’ll talk about it?” he asked, I nodded at him before stepping up and pulling him into a hug. “Thanks for today Nath, it means a lot.” He smiled softly at me before nodding and making his way into his apartment. I watched him walk away and close the door before turning on my heels and heading home.

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