Chapter 12

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Chapter twelve

I had a headache this morning when I woke up, I turned over to my clock, it was 11, I quickly sat up, as I did I noticed I wasn’t in Naths spare bedroom in that fact not in his spare bed, I quickly turned my head and as I did I saw Nathan sleeping, I looked around and noticed I was in his room in his bed with him, I was only wearing my bra and knickers that wasn’t a good sign, I got up out of his bed, put on my dressing gown  and went to the bathroom, My face was all pale I felt sick, I couldn’t of, I mean not again, could I? I couldn’t remember anything, part from that I said I was going to leave! I went back into Nath’s bedroom and got out a suitcase then I was about to go out the room when “Morning beautiful!” I heard Nath say in a croaky morning voice, I sighed and turned around “Morning!” Nath was sitting up in bed rubbing his eyes before looking at me “Woah, are you ok? You look really pale! Wait why have you got that suitcase?” He said just about to get out “Wait why am I only wearing my boxers, I normally wear, Wait no we...I...We” I sighed again “I don’t know I woke up in your bed, my head hurts, its 11 in the morning and I’m only wearing my bra and knickers, So I’ve got this suitcase to collect my things and I’ll be off!” I said before taking the suitcase to the spare bedroom, I heard Nath get out of bed “Jessica, Wait, you don’t think we Yano?” He said bursting into the room “I don’t know Nath I don’t remember anything, so I’m going to go now, if you don’t mind!” I said turning around to the wardrobe “No Jessica, sorry but please don’t leave, I love you and last night, well what I can remember of it, was amazing because I was with you” He came over to me and shut my suitcase “Nath please let me go, I love you too” I started “Then if you love me stay here with me!” Nath interrupted “What about your band, I know it means more too you, and you have got to decide today, it’s too late Nath I’ve already screwed up your life so far!” my eyes started to water but I wiped my eyes and continued packing, Nath picked up my head “Yeh I love my band but I love your more, and I’ll talk to them I can’t just leave you, since I’ve been with you my life has been so much better!” He sighed, The room went quiet, I bit my lip before saying “Ok” I sighed back “What really!” His face brightened up “Yeh, who am I kidding I love you, no one else” I stopped I felt like I wanted to throw up “Jess you ok?” Nath asked I got up and ran to the bathroom before throwing up, I heard knocking on the door “Jess, you ok? Jess” I looked up in the mirror my face was really pale and I was really hot. I opened the door and Nath came rushing in “Jess, you ok?!” He asked hugging me “Yeh I’ll be fine in a minute or two” I replied weakly “Do you want me get you anything?” He asked rubbing my back “No I’ll be fine, just need a minute or two to myself!” I replied with a weak smile “I’ll be downstairs, Love you!” He said whilst leaving the bathroom, after a couple of minutes I came out and went to my bedroom, I put some cloths on and switched on my phone, I had a couple of missed calls from Jay max and Tom and a couple of texts from Jay, I opened the messages from jay

“Are you ok BABE, you seemed abit upset, has Nath left you for a sloth?”

“You moved out of his house yet, where are you going?”

All the texts had something to do with Nath dumping me, It put me down a little but I was fine, the next minute Tom was calling me

“Hello” I said weakly

“Hi are you ok, I’m sorry about your child Jess and everything, Are you hurt in any other ways?” He asked

"Thanks Tom and no I’m fine just a few scratches and bruises, what about you, are you ok?” I asked

"Ya I’m fine, I’m at home now came home this morning!” He replied

“Oh good!” I said,

I heard Nath come upstairs before opening my door “Jess....Oh you on Phone, who too?” He asked

“I’ll talk to you later Tom, Bye!” I said before putting down the phone,

“Oh just Tom!” I said smiling “oh ok, I’m going out for abit, I only will be gone for about half an hour ok?” He said smiling back “Yeh sure” I replied before Nath made his way down stairs and out the door. I quickly rang the cab office for a taxi then started to get my things ready, I couldn’t bare the thought of Nathan losing his job over me so I was going to stay with my sister in stoke, it was only a train ride there, i just needed a cab to the train station then my sister could pick me up at stoke, so I had my route roughly planned out. I took all my things down to the front door and waited for the cab before I left I wrote Nath a note and put it on the kitchen Table before leaving to go.

“Nath, by the time you get this message I will be long gone, I can’t bare to see you lose your crier you love so much, so I have gone, don’t bother looking for me and good luck with your future love you loads, lots of love, Jess xxxxxx”

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