Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

My head hurt! I slowly opened my eyes. I had a moment of blind panic where all I could see was black, but as my eyes began to adjust to the light, my vision went back to normal. I was lying down, in bed. Not my bed, a hospital bed I realised. I was in hospital. I looked up at the white ceiling before slowly turning my head to the side “Hey babe you ok?” I deep voice whispered from overhead I turned my head and there sat Nath on a plastic chair next to the bed he had a couple of scratches on his face, he smiled and took my hand “Hi ya I’m fine, How did I get here, what happened and why is your face like that?” I asked feeling quite tired and unstable “Do you remember on the train station you got bad pains in your stomach?” He asked holding my hand with both hands one stroking the back of my knuckles “Yeh........Yeh I was waiting for you!” I said realizing what did happen “Well me and Tom...” he started explaining until I interrupted “Tom ... Tom was there” I started saying getting very confused my head hurt and I couldn’t concentrate! “Yeh he was helping me get you from the seat to the car then we were taking you to the hospital and ...Well....I....We were in a car accident, I’m so sorry!” He said in a quiet voice i could see tears starting to run down his face, I lifted my hand and put it on his face “It’s not your fault I’m fine your fine, that’s all that matters doesn’t it!” I said trying to assure him everything was ok the room fell silent he took my hand from his face and shook his head before putting his face into his hands “It’s all my fault!” He started saying whilst crying, I turned fully around and took his hands, “No one’s seriously hurt, nothings that bad Nath You, me and the bbb.......” I started before stopping “He looked down to his feet crying even more, I could feel tears start to fall down my face “No....Nath please not the baby Please, Nooo” I wailed over and over again bursting into tears I sat up and Nath sat on the edge of my bed we held each other whilst crying into each other’s arms “I’m so so so sorry” Nath kept repeating over and over again. I saw the doctor walk in “Is this a bad moment?” The doctor asked looking at us “No your fine” I said wiping the tears from my eyes then Nathans eyes “How are you feeling Jessica?” The doctor asked holding a pen and a clipboard in his hands “Fine within myself, my head just hurts abit” I managed to say from the thoughts of my child “Do you need any tissues?” the doctor asked holding out a packet of tissues “Thanks” Nath said taking the packet of tissues from the doctors hand, “I need to ask you a couple of questions Jessica do you want me to wait till later?” The doctor asked me kindly “Can you come back later please!” I asked giving him a weak smile “Yeh cause I would get some rest as well it might help” The doctor assured me “Thank you doctor for all you have done for Jessica!” Nath said kindly “It’s my pleasure” the doctor smiled before walking away. I sat up in the bed for a while messing with my fingers until Nath took my hands “Are you ok, I mean ok ok?” Nath asked lifting up my head “Ya I’m fine.... You said that Tom was with us, is he Ok?” I asked taking my mind off our child “He’s ... Well more hurt then you, He’s been treated up in the emergency room” Nath said wiping any trace of tears from my eyes “What do you mean emergency room?” I asked Nath “He had quite a blow to the head!” Nath said sighing “Is he ok, can I see him” I asked, Nath looked at me with a weird look “If you want to, I’ll have to ask the doctor if you can though, I’ll go ask now if you want!” Nath said, I nodded and he went to see the doctor. A couple of minutes later Nath came back “doc says you can go he’ll just need to check something first” Nath said walking in with his hands in his pocket, “Are you ok Nath?” I asked looking up at him “Yeh I’m fine, why?” He asked looking at me putting on a fake smile “No reason, you just look ....... different!” I said pulling an awkward face, Nath just giggled before saying “Look different what’s that meant to mean?” he said still giggling “Nothing, just you look annoyed or something, is something bothering you?” I asked him before the doctor came “How are you feeling Jessica?” the doctor asked me picking up his pen “I’m feeling alot better, thank you doctor” I said smiling “Good good” He said writing on his clipboard “How long does Jessica Have to stay here?” Nath asked the doctor putting one of his hands on my shoulder, giving me a quick smile before turning back to the doctor “Well hopefully she will be able to go have this afternoon!” The doctor said smiling “That’s really good news thank you doctor” Nath said smiling at the doctor before smiling back at me “urrrm doctor is Tom ok?” I asked looking away from Nath to look at the doctor “Yeh he’s fine Jessica!” The doctor said before turning away and looking down at the floor “Doctor you sure he’s fine, he’s my............ boyfriend and if anything has happened to him!” I said looking up at the doctor before a glance at Nathan to see him pulling a face “Oh, I thought you two were together!” pointing at me and Nathan, we both looked at each other awkwardly “urrrm no, we are just best friends that’s it!” I said putting on a weak smile “Oh, ok if anything happens I will tell you straight away don’t worry Tom is in safe hands Jessica!” The doctor said assuring me “Thank you doctor” I said smiling “Your welcome!” The doctor said before walking out the room. “Just friend’s, Tom’s still your boyfriend! What’s going on Jessica?” Nath said standing by the chair looking down at me “What was I meant to say?” I asked Nath “I don’t now hmm what about the truth!” Nathan said sarcastically, “bu.....” I started saying before I got interrupted “But nothing Jessica, I’ll see you later I need to go!” Nath said before going “Wait what’s got into you Nath? Where are you going?” I shouted “Home!!!” Nath shouted back, what was up with him, as I turned towards the chair Nath was sitting on I noticed Nath had left his phone. I picked it up as I turned his phone on my heart sank.

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