Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

The week went slow, I really missed Nath it had been really quiet without him I couldn’t wait till I see him later on today somewhere round 4 o’clock I had done loads this week I had tidied Naths house, visited my family and spent the night there, saw my brother and sister , went out shopping with my Friends, sorted out some of Naths house bills and fan letters then today they are coming home. I got up out of bed and had a shower after I got out and it was 10:00 so I got out a pair of Jeans with a top and a pair of pumps I didn’t want to dress up that much cause I was only going to pick Nath up but I couldn’t just go out in scruffs! I went to the bathroom mirror to check if I looked ok, then got out my hair dryer and dried my hair after I had finished getting ready it was five minutes to twelve, so I went downstairs to get my dinner then checked twitter nothing much was going on, the fanmily were just posting pictures and saying that our boys were coming back today, the news about me and Tom had died down now but it could start again later with me picking up Nath but that’s then not now I guess,

“How’s the fanmily today, our boys are coming home today, can’t wait to see them X”

The RT’s and favourites raced up again, I loved it when it happens probably my favourite part, Everyone was asking if I was ok so I just said that I was happy and well until Nath tweeted me which made me even more happy

“@JessTW missing you lots can’t wait to see you XXXX”

Some of the fanmily that supported Tom and me when we were going out didn’t like what me and Nath did and always give us grief when we tweet but I guess I deserve it but most of the fanmily didn’t mind, it was like when Max and Michelle spilt up! Time passed and it became 3:30 so I got my car keys and got in my car I wanted to get there early its better than being late, it only took about 15-20 minutes to get there so it wasn’t long to wait. I got out of my car and walked into the station I saw a massive group of the fanmily waiting for them to get back so I stayed out of the way I didn’t want to be noticed

"5 to 4 minutes till the train from Gloucester arrives”

I heard the train tracker person speak out, this got me excited I was soon going to be reunited with my best mate/soon to be farther of my baby! I could see the train in the distance Coming from the right all the fans screaming it was a great feeling but as I saw it my stomach started to hurt, the train had arrived as the boys got off all the fans were screaming I could see Nath looking for someone as he got off probably for me but whoever he was looking for he couldn’t see and he looked down when he couldn’t see but he put on a weak smile for photos with the fans. I had to sit down my stomach really started to hurt and my vision started to go weird I could kind of see Nath come out the crowd and start running to me “Jess you ok, what’s the matter?” He asked worriedly “I don’t know aaarrrhhh, it’s my stomach” I replied this time really in pain “Ok can you stand up?, I’ll carry you to the car stay still!” He assured me that I was going to be ok, fans were still screaming some were following us Nath had picked me up in the bridal kind of lift and he started half walking fast and running to the car, I could see Tom running after well I think it was Tom, “Nath what’s wrong, Is Jess ok?” He asked helping me get in the car I could guess it was Tom because of his voice, “I don’t know Tom, I need to get her to the hospital fast!” Nath worriedly said getting into the car “Can I come Nath?” Tom asked “Yeh get in” Nath answered opening the door “aaaaaaarrrrrrhhhhhhhhh” I screamed in pain “Jess you ok” Nath quickly turned around I could hear him starting to cry “Nath get going I’ll make sure she’s ok!” Tom said putting one hand on Naths shoulder whilst the other holding my hand, I was lying down over two of the back seats and Tom was sitting on the other. I was in too much pain my vision was going I could barely see anything my hearing was going until Everything went black and I could Hear Nothing I couldn’t move all my senses were gone, was I dead?

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