Chapter 14

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I gave Drake a blank stare when he said this.
"And why the hell not?" He cocked and eyebrow and smirked.
"We go in wolf form and then we have training suits when we get there." Aright thats not bad, I thought to myself.
"When do we leave?"
"A few minutes I suppose. Its a long ways there. The elders will have to stay here because they cant make the journey. The pups stay too."
I am so excited I can barely eat my meal. When Drake finishes his I skip to the door and open it. The pack memebers that were going with us to The Pit were gathered in front of the pack house. Some of them in their giant wolf form and some were waiting for their Alpha's instructions. They all looked as excited as I felt. The wolves were wagging their long tails and playing amongst each other while the people talked excitedly to each other.
When the crowd saw Drake the humans that needed to shift, shifted and they all sat down infront of the pack house steps. Through the pack link, Drake made his announcement in an excited voice. Its time to go to The Pit everyone. Me and your Luna will lead. Follow us and have fun on the way. As soon as we get there most of you know what to do for those of you who do not, just like tradition says you go first. Because the tradition also says no one should tell The Pit secrets I trust that the experienced ones didnt say anything about it. If  find out you did severe punishment will follow. Now lets go!
Drake and I shifted into our wolves and I followed him into the woods. Yips of joy followed us and I looked over my shoulder to see at least a 100 wolves streaming behind us.
A wolfy grin spread across my face. We came to the edge of the woods and slowed down. Ok pack. I want you all to hunt in groups of 5. Small game only. You have 2 hourse to bring back as much meat as possible. We eat in wolf form tonight. No one shifts. Go!
The groups split and it was like a sea of many different colors. I looked at Drake and he nodded for me to follow him. He kept his nose to the ground and soon we cought the scent of a pair of rabbits. We followed the trail to a beautiful meadow. A long creek ran in the middle of it with wild flowers growing up on both sides. We have to cross that creek tomorrow.  I flicked my ear to let him know I heard him and kept looking for the rabbits. My ears rotoated to a nibbling sound. I looked and a few yards away I saw the 2 rabbits. Drake they are a few yards to your left. Im going to chase them towards you. You get one and I will get the other.
He got into position and I crept forward with my hackles low and my tail even with the ground. I stepped lightly and when I got close enough I jumped and my paw landed on the smaller of the two. I looked up in time to see Drake raise his head and sit up with a rabbitt dangling limp from his jaws. I bit down on the neck of mine until I tasted blood. I held my head high and carried my prize over to Drake. I dropped it at his paws and he nuzzled me with his muzzle. That was great. I looked down shyly. Thank you. Lets go wash the blood off and go meet the pack. We took up our kills and trotted off.

We were the last ones to arrive at the mossy clearing at I was surprised at how much food was caught. No one would go hungry. Everyone got a fair share of the kills and we all settled down to eat. Drake and I each ate our rabbits while everyone else ate theirs. Everone waited until we each took our first bite an then began to wolf down theirs. No pun intended. The only sounds that could be heard was the crunching of bones and the rumbles of statisfaction coming from the group.

After everyone was done eating we gathered around to talk and spend time with one another. Mates talked and cuddled while the older pups that went tumbled around playfully wrestling. Drake and I were laying down curled against a rock. The wind brought a bit of a chill but with our long thick fur and the rock sheltering us we stayed cozy. When it was time for everyone to settle down and go to sleep everyone got up and moved to sourround Drake and I. The pups cuddled besides us while the stronger fighters layed down on the outside. A bundle of wolves made for good unsulation. There was no space in between each other as we huddled like a group of penguins. Soft snors lulled me to sleep and I barely felt it when Drake licked my ear. My eyes closed and I was gone.

This sucky little chapter was just to hold you guys over for a few days. I promise the next chapter will be 100% better and longer. Until then, thanks for reading!
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