Chapter 18

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I woke up to drake snuggling against my back and breathing on my neck. I turned around and nuzzled my face into his bare chest. He wrapped his tone arms around me and whispered in my ear "Round 2?" I looked up at him "l dont think so. Its time to go to the Arena. Remember?" He frowned "Fine." He grumbled like a little boy. I unwrapped myself from is arns and the covers and walked to the bathroom. I took a shower and blowdryed my hair before putting on a steel grey suit that hugged my body. This is the suit that was suppose to stay in our human when we shift. Drake came in the bathroom and did the same thing before putting on the same color suit.

We walked hand in hand down the halls slipping past people who sleepily came out of their rooms. Instead of grey suit they had on black. Drake must have seen my confused look because he answered my silent question. "Our suits are the Alpha suits. Everyone elses are black." I nodded my head and continued walking down to the dinning hall. We finished our meal of bacon and eggs and then walked to the arena. I was bouncing on my toes with excitment and I could hardly contain myself. Drake looked down and laughed at me. I scowled but only for a second before a smile immediatly over took my face. When we got to the stairs we walked down a few steps before taking a right down a hall I had never noticed before. The hall sloped down and curved until we got a small chamber in the rock. A large one way glass wall was level with the arena and gave us a clear view of all the doors. An intercom button along with the buttons for the doors lined a panel on the wall. Drake pushed the intercom button and began to speak. "This is going to be the hunting portion. You wont have any idea which door the animal will come through and you wont know what kind so be on your toes. As soon as you enter the arena stand in the middle and shift. Who is first?" A small blonde girl with green eyes walked into the middle of the arena. She had a smirk on her face and cracked her knuckles. She shifted quickly and a small grey wolf landed where she stood. She shook her head and let out a growl. Drake reached over and pushed a button to open one of the doors. The door quickly slid open and a wild eyed moose lept out. The girl was ready for this and spun to face him. She rolled to the left and his hooves came down where she was a second later. She lept into the air and landed a nice blow to his shoulder. She raked her claws down his shoulder blood welled up in the deep gouges. He huffed and kicked out at her catching her hind legs. She whimpered and the jumped onto his throat snd dragging him down. She shook her head until his throat was torn out and then shifted back and walked out of the arena limping.
"Whose next?" Drake spoke into the intercom again. A large muscled man opened the door and stood in the middle of the Arena. He shifted and a large rust colored wolf replaced him. "I am giving him a panther." I gasped at what Drake said but turned to the window when he pressed the button to open the door. Instead of running out like the moose did , the large cat slinked out with his haunches raised and his tail swishing madly in the air. His eyes scanned the arena walls as if he was judging how far he would have to jump to scale the wall.
He circled the arena whilst rubbing his side on the stone wall. The wolf looked confused but proceded to stalk the cat. When he got closer the cat turned to face him and charged. The cat sailed over him with outstretched paws, but the wolf was ready. He quickly raked his claws down the underside of the cats belly, slicing open his stomach. The cat landed akwardly on his side and layed there a minute dazed. Blood flowed freely from his wound but he still tried to stand. He fell to his feet after a second. When the wolf walked over to finish the cat off the cat slapped out a paw that caught the wolf in the throat. With a howl of pain the wolf drove his jaws down on the cat throat and killed it before he too fell and shifted. "Quick call Emma!" Drake yelled through intercom.
A blonde haired girl no older than 19 came runnning out. She carried a large medical bag and immediatly began to get to work. She worked carefully and her experienced hands flew over his neck applying bandages to stop the bleeding. She attached an IV and started a salene drip. After she got him stabalized we watched her and another male put him on a stretcher and wheel him away.
"Will he be okay?" I asked Drake nervously.
He nodded and replied "Dont worry babe. Emma is the best paramedic there is."
I just nodded and walked away from the arena. It was time for a break and then we would have a couple more people go before we do. As Alphas we go last and together. As the strongest pair we get the toughest challenge to face. Drake said the pack likes to watch the Alphas because it makes them feel safer. I guess we will see how safe they feel later.

Here you go! Sorry it took so long! Im sorry its not long.

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