Chapter 12

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Im going to go ahead and update a chapter. I hope it turns out good.

My ears opened before my eyes. Loud bird chirps and calls filled my ears. Soft breathing tickled my ears and I turned to face a beautiful sleeping Drake. I resisted tracing my finger tips over his sleeping body. I cuddled deeper into his chest, appreciating the warmth he was giving off. Good morning Olivia. His morning voice was raspy and so damn sexy. I smiled and kissed the tip of his nose. Good morning Drake. Lets shift and go to the pack house. He nodded and shifted. He shook his dark fur and moved to give me room for my wolf. I jumped toward him and shifted mid jump. My larger wolf knocked his over and pinned him. Gotcha. I linked him and licked his muzzle. He gently shoved me off and took off running. I grinned and loped after him, my creme colored tail streaming out behind me. I cought up to him easily and shouldered my way past him. We reached the edge of the trees and a group of wolves stood waiting by the tree line. I could see Kent talking to them before he noticed us. Kent! Drake yelled through the link. I want Olivia to go on this hunt with you. Because of the size of her wolf she will be good at taking down bigger elk. Teach her and let her make the kill. Kent nodded Yes sir. I trotted across the grass to them and stood by Kent. Some of the other wolves looked at me nervously while others tried to size me up. They were no comparison to my size. I almost laughed at their attempts. Kent raised his tail signaling us to move out. The hunting process was beautiful as it played out. The pack lined up and and everyone stuck their noses to the ground to catch a sent. Ive got it! A wolf yelled excitedly. That wolf took the lead as the others lined up behind him in two lines. We followed the sent and came to a large plain. All the wolves broke the rank and lined up again. We all crouched low and blended into the grass. Alright Olivia now its time for you to take the lead. We will follow you once you choose an elk to take down. If your up for a challenge choose a stronger one. If not go for a weaker doe. I moved my way to the front and swiveled my ears to locate the herd. Big beautiful animals grazed on the tall green grass. I smelled a doe and smelled blood. I looked for the doe and noticed one licking a little bundle. She had just had a fawn. I knew that would be the easiest kill but I shyed away from the little family. Instead a yearned a bigger challenge. A young bull was standing at the head of the herd and was looking around warily. I crept closer the heard motioning with my tail for the others to follow. I pointed my nose toward the elk and I seen some wolves shake their head.
Growling deep in my throat I lunged forward and the line of wolves followed. At the sudden movement the bull set off the alarm call with a loud bleat. The herd moved in one swift motion and the earth shook at their thundering hooves. No one touches the fawns or does. Only the bull I chose will be killed. Understand?
In sync the other wolves linked back Yes Luna. Some added a growl. With my increased speed I easily cought up to the bull. 2 other wolves flankes him while one nipped at his heels. We guided him away from the herd and another bull took his place in the front of the herd. I closed the short distance between me and the bull quickly and with one leap I was digging my jaws into his shoulder. I twisted my neck quickly and brought him tumbling down. The 3 wolves with me took their chance and jumped onto his back. They dug in their teeth and claws so the bull would have a hard time getting up. I lunged for his throat and sank my teeth in to the hilt. I held on and shook. A matallic taste flooded my mouth as I shattered his jugular. His feeble attempts to free himself were getting weaker each passing second. He let out one more cry of anguish and lay still. I let go and blood stained my muzzle and paws. Good kill Olivia. That was a big risk going for a bull though. Im glad it worked out in our favor. Kent said through the link. Thank you. I wanted to prove that I could take down a bull this size. He looked at 2 wolves and they moved on eathier side of the carcass. They each bit into his shoulder and started to slowly drag him back. I'll help. Kent gave me a look Its the omegas job to brink back the kill. They looked down at his words and tucked their tails. I took pity on him. I growled loudly at kent. I said I will help and as your Luna you will respect my desicion. He bowed his head and turned away. I went back to the carcass and took my place at its throat. My greater strength made dragging the carcass easier and the omegas looked pleased at the break they were getting.

By the time we got back to the pack house my neck was sore but I continued to drag the carcass to the butchers barn. I refused to show my weakness. After I got done I went straight to the bath station. Omegas crowded around stalls that held warm tubs of water. The other wolves that helped me with the kill were already there getting their fur scrubbed clean of blood. I waited for a stall to open and walked in. The young omega looked at me and I could see the fear in her eyes. She quickly started wetting my fur and grabbed soap. She scrubbed until she got every last drop of blood off of me. When she rinsed my fur I watched the water turn a slight crimson color. She left the stall and came back with a change of clothes. She laid them on the dry bench and left shutting the door behind her. I shifted and changed into the clothes she left for me. When I walked through the barn doors I ran straight into Drake. He gave me an exhausted look and shook his head.

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