Chapter 2

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A sharp electric zap wakes me up from my sleep. "Good morning Olivia. You are the beginning of a new experiment where your genes and the genes of a wolf will be fused together. If all goes as planned you will be able to shift from human to the body of a large wolf. Do you understand?" I nod my head wearily to show I am at least paying attention to what this strange man is saying. " Alright good. Now this process will be painful and many different tests will be run. We have found a theorem that we believe will get the results we want. Our work will start now with drawing some blood from you." Drawing blood means needles. A second later I felt the sharp sting of the needle going into my arm. Glancing down at the needle makes my vision go black. I felt my head drop down onto the bed and my mind go blank.
Beeping monitors and wires crowd my thoughts and Im pulled to consciousness.
Cold metal is pressed against my bare back and my bare legs shake from the temperature. While I was asleep I must have been moved to an operating table. "Doctor the girl has waken up." a red headed lady shouts from beside me. The man I assume to be the doctor walks in moments later carrying a tray lined with shots. The liquid inside the viles is a deep red color. "Are you going to give me those?" I ask with a shaky voice while pointing at the tray. "Yes I am going to inject one into every major artery I can. This is a gene changing serum that will replace your genes with the genes from a wolf. Every day you will be given to rounds of this treatment." I look over and the nurse is shackling my hands and feet to the sides of the table so I don't move around I guess. The round of shots begins once the nurse buckles my last limb down. Shot after agonizing shot are given to me. The pain from the liquid starts out a dull ache and then intensifies with every dose given. The pain becomes unbearable and Im quickly incoherent to the world around me.

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