Chapter 10

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Here we go with chapter 10! Please comment and tell me what you think! Picture at the top is Luke Parker the beta.

Amelia came in my room early the next morning to wake me up. "Rise and shine Olivia!" She sang too happily for 5 in the morning. I pulled the covers over my head and sighed loudly when I got comfortable with my blanket wrapped snugly around me. My moment was short lived when the light was flicked on and the blanket as ripped from my body. I growled loudly and I knew from the look on her face my eyes turned a few shades darker. " I said its time to get up Olivia. Go get in he shower, brush your teeth, and go pack some clothes." She demanded roughly. "Please give me five more minutes or else I will shift and get wolf hair all over your nice black jacket." She gulped audibly and stormed out of the room. I retrieved my crumpled blanket from the foot of my bed and wrapped it around me again. It felt like my eyes were only closed for a minute when the light was flicked on again. I groaned loudly and slithered out of my bed.

I was allowed a 15 minute long shower this morning with semi hot water. I got out and wrapped a towel around myself. I pulled my toothbrush and toothpaste put of my bag and brushed my teeth. Drying my hair was a luxury that I was allowed today. After drying my hair I fishtail braided it and pulled out a black pair of Nike shorts and a pink T-shirt out of my bag. I threw my clothes on and stepped out of the bathroom and walked down the cold, grey hallway towards my room. "Ready to go?" Amelia asked chirpily from my bed. I rolled my eyes and she frowned at me. "Well?" She demanded. "Yes,yes Im ready." "Then lets go!" She clapped her hands and jumped off my bed. She led me outside and into a black SUV with dark windows.

We drove for 8 hours without stopping and got to the city limits of Carthage, Mississippi. We pulled over and Amelia turned to look at me. "This is the town that is on the outskirts of the pack lands." I nodded my head signaling her to continue. "Olivia, you need to go to the other end of Carthage into the woods and shift. Before you shift remember to remove your clothes because you don't have that many suits of clothes." Before I could get out of the car she pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "Be safe." she mumbled into my ear. I pulled away and stepped out of the car. I grabbed my bag and shut the door. I turned around and took a deep breath before walking away.

I walked until I came to the edge of the woods where I was told to shift. I decided to walk deeper into the woods to get away from human eyes. I found a tree and stepped behind it. I pulled off my clothes and shifted into my large, cream wolf. I bent down to pick up my bag and ran off to find another wolf.

I ran deep into the territory. I must have ran for miles before I heard a threatening growl. I flipped around and saw a grey wolf that looked a few inches shorter than me. The wolf seemed to pause a minute and I realized he was mind linking with the wolves from his pack. A circle of wolves stepped out of the brush and surrounded me. The grey wolf seemed to have an aura of power around him but not enough to be an alpha, a beta maybe. All the wolves around me sensed the power around me. I have the strongest alpha blood there is. Scientists took DNA from every alpha for centuries to create me. I turned and walked towards the line of wolves. With one growl they parted to let me through. I carrie my bag and shifted and dressed quickly. I left my bag and came to stand in front of the grey wolf. "Shift so we can talk." I said sharply. He growled but shifted on spot. A smaller brown wolf brought him a pair of shorts that he quickly put on. He gave me a devilish smirk and crossed his arms across his toned an bare chest. My eyes traveled up from his tanned and sculpted abs to his face. His square jawline stuck out when he smirked. "My name is Luke. I am the beta of the Deer Creek pack. Are you a rogue?" "Im not a rogue. I just came across this pack and I wanted to speak to your alpha." I strolled forward and some of the wolves growled when I stepped close to their beta. One growl from me was enough to make them shut up. Luke looked and me strangely when I stuck out my hand for a handshake. "Olivia Taylor" I said proudly. A smile played on his lips and he gripped my hand and shook it. "Luke Parker. You have strong alpha blood. And your wolf is the largest Ive seen out of all the Alphas." I smiled a Genuine smile at him. The brown wolf before had shifted and now another gorgeous man stood there. "Luke" he called. "What is it Kent?" "The Alpha just liked me. His meeting is over an he wants to have a pack meeting." Like sighed and then looked at me. "You said you wanted to meet the Alpha. Well here is your chance." "Are we going in wolf form?" I asked hesitantly. "Yea we are. We have to run there. Just shift and follow me." My wolf growled at that because she did not like to be commanded. While Luke just stripped the shorts right in front of me. I took the modest way out and went behind a tree. I removed my clothes and stuffed them in my bag. I shifted into my cream wolf an gave my long fur a shake. I walked back to Luke who was still naked as a jaybird. "Ready to meet Alpha Drake?" I nodded my big head once an then Luke shifted. I ran beside Luke and the entire way to the pack house. When we got there male wolves ,who I guess where guards, growled and shifted when they saw me. Almost immediately after we arrived a tall man exited a shiny new corvette. The second he stepped out of the corvette a wonderful scent hit my nose. It was a vanilla woodsy scent and it was coming from the man who I assumed to be Alpha Drake. Mate! My wolf howled in my head. The alpha must have sensed something as well because his dark eyes got darker when he saw me. "Shift wolf." He commanded me sternly. With all modestly out the window I shifted right there. I hurriedly put clothes on and a warm blush crept up my cheeks. "Hello Alpha. My name is Olivia Taylor." I spoke strongly and with no stutter in my voice. " You have strong Alpha blood for a rogue." He said amused and raised a perfect eye brow. "I would like to talk to you about joining your pack." "Well being that you are my mate that would naturally be the next step." Gasp were heard from every one who had gathered around us. A loud growl from Drake shut them up quickly. "Come to the pack house and I will accept you into the pack in one of the rooms." He grabbed my hand and tingles shot up my arm.

Drake and I entered the pack house and into one of the many rooms. Both Drake an I stripped our clothes and I knew both our eyes darkened with desire. We shifted into our wolves and and like Luke said my wolf was larger. I knew I would have to submit to him but not all the way because I was a Luna. He growled and stepped forward. When another growl erupted from his chest and a growl escaped my lips also. He snapped his jaws close to my ear and my head sank lower and a whine formed in my throat. "Welcome to the pack Olivia and future Luna." I heard a husky voice say in my head.

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