Apology and Chapter 19!

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Let me just start by apologizing to all of you beautiful people for making you wait. Im really sorry. A lot has been going on and it has just been very difficult to even think about writing a story. Once again Im sorry.
After a few more wolves tried their hand at fighting the different animals it was mine and Drake's turn to take a shot at it. Drake grabbed my hand and led me to the middle of the arena and we faced the roll-up door where the animals came from. He kissed my cheek and whispered a word of confidence in my ear. When the door rolled up it revealed a pair of Grizzly cubs tumbled out into the middle of the arena making happy little grunts as they wrestled. A few seconds later a large mother Grizzly came lumbering out. I gave Drake a sideways glance and all he did was smirk. When the bear saw her babies were close to us her teeth bared a viscious snarl escaped her lips. Drake shifted into his wolf and so did I. My wolf was twice the size of the bear but I knew she had a lot of rage in her and the instinct to protect her cubs. She got on her hind legs and swiped her platter sized paws across the air. Drake took this opportunity to charge her from one side and catch her off guard. He rushed by her and slapped his claws against her ribs causing her to grunt in anger.  When she turned to leap on top of him I ran and bit down onto her scruff and pulled her away from him. I held her by the scruff while Drake tore at her belly. We let her loose and herded the bears back to the door. We didnt want to kill the mother and leave the cubs orphaned. We stayed in wolf form as another door was rolled up revealing a pair of lions. Both female lions slinked around us and circled slowy. They were sizing us up and developing a hunting strategy between them. Drake and I bared our teeth and backed up to face the lions. I chose the bigger of the two and ran at it. I jumped and cleared the lion. I supried her and she lowered herself to the ground. I turned when I landed and head butted her side. She swept her paw across my nose and I felt the sting of her claws. I backed way and she jumped up paws outstretched. She landed on my back with her claws locked into my shoulders. I rammed my sides against the arena wall trying to shake her off but nothing worked. I rolled onto my back and squished her under me. She let go and while she was dazed I grabbed her throat and sunk my teeth in. Her arms locked around my neck but I didnt let go until I felt the life ebb out of her and her hold on my neck loosten. I shook out my fur and looked over at Drake who was just finishing off the second lion.

We shifted back into our human forms and smiled at each other. We looked up into the arena and noticed the pack members clapping and cheering wildly. "Im ready to marry you and make you officially the Luna." Drake whispered into my ear before kissing my mark. I walked out of the Arena hand in hand with Drake. I was starving and a meal of Steak and potatoes and corn was waiting for me in the dining room. 

After dinner my wolf wanted to run. I went through the entrance of the compound and let my wolf free. I ran until I found a crystal clear lake that looked very inviting. I waded in until I felt the fur on my stomach get soaked through then I dived in and swam up. After chasing a few fish and laying down in the shallows for a little while, I decided to head back.

I walked up and noticed drake sitting on some rocks outside the tunnel entrance. He had a grim look on his face but it changed when he seen me. I walked the rest of the way to him and sat on his knee. I put my hand on his face and kissed him. He smiled in the kiss and wrapped his arms around my waist. Thats one hell of a hello. He mind liked my. I just laughed and patted him on the chest before getting up. When I made it to my feet he pulled me back down onto his lap and kissed me all over my face. I couldnt stop smiling at his cutness. When he finally let me up we walked back into the compound and up to our room.

After letting the water in the shower get hot I hopped in and washed my hair. The hot water quickly turned the glass cloudy and I wasnt aware of the door opening. (Nothing happens in this scene.) A naked Drake walks in, slides the glass panel back and steps in. I blush at his nudity and stay facing the wall. I hear him shuffle around a bit until I smell the peachy smell of my conditioner. He starts rubbing the conditioner in my hair and massaging it into my scalp. I stifled a moan and then turned around to kiss him letting the water run down my back. I grabbed a wash cloth and put Axe body soap on it. I washed his shoulders, back, chest, and abs being careful to avoiding anything lower than his V-line. I was to tired to start anything that I didnt feel like finishing. Drake returned the favor before washing his own hair. When we were done we stepped out and I wrapped a warm large fluffy towel around me and Drake did the same. I put on a sports bra and a pair of Drake's boxers and layed down on the bed. Drake soon followed and paused when he noticed what I was wearing. "Damn. You look better in those than I do." He said with a smirk. I just smiled and rolled over on my side facing away from him. He got under the covers and snuggled up against my back wrapping his arms around my waist. He kissed my neck and I fell asleep soon after.

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