Chapter 11

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I never thought being in a pack would feel this good. I was surrounded by people my age, older than me, pups to. I felt whole. Drake and I have been progressing in our relationship but Im not moving in with him yet. Im living in a suite at the pack house. Drake promised to take me out today to pick out a vehicle that he was buying me. I am beyond excited to get my first car. He even told me that he would get me my license. He was picking me up at 1 and it was already 11:45 so I decided to get ready. I hopped in the shower and washed my hair and shaved my legs. I put on a pair of dark colored Miss-Me jeans and black v-neck Shirt. I blowdried my hair and straightened it. I did my regular makeup of foundation,creamy colored eyeshadow, and winged eyeliner and mascara. To finish the look I put on some nude lipstick and gloss. We I was finished it was 12:55 and Drake was walking into the pack house. Im here he said through the link. I will be down in a minute. I replied. I put on my silver stud earrings and black flats and walked to the front door. "You look beautiful." Drake said when he saw me. I blushed and look down. "Thank you. Ready to go?" He nodded his head and opened the door for me. I got into his car and we drove to a car lot. I was shocked at how many cars and trucks were here but one particular truck caught my eye. The older model Ford was lifted and sat on 35's. It was a beautiful hunters orange color. "I want that one." I told Drake pointing at the truck. I ran up to it and climbed up on the tire to look in through the window. The cab of the truck was a creme colored leather. It was in amazing shape and not a spot of rust on the body. "Are you sure this is the one baby?" "Its the one." I assured him. The dealer came out and we signed some papers on the truck. The dealer handed me the keys and I hopped up in my truck. I followed Drake back to the pack house and I parked my truck and hopped out. "You almost need a ladder to get out of that thing." He laughed. I hugged him and got on my toes to kiss his cheek. "Thank you so much. I think Im going to call him beast." We laughed at the name and went into the house. Every day Drake and I were together I could feel our mate bond getting stronger. It was only a matter of time before he marked me. When he marked me I could also mark him to show other wolves he was mine.
5 hours later
"Will you go for a run with me?" Drake said walking into my room. "Yea of course. Let me change clothes and I will meet you by the woods. Ok?" "Alright take your time." I threw my hair into a messy ponytail and put on a white t-shirt and black Nike shorts. I walked out the front door and headed towards the woods. The moon was out and Drake stood by the woods shirtless with basketball shorts on. I stared at his toned back and shoulders a little while before walking up towards him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and kissed his shoulder. I laid my head on his back and just stood there. He spun me around after a few minutes and held me against his chest. "Hey baby." "lets shift and go run. Maybe we can sleep out by the lake tonight in our wolf forms." I suggested. "Ok babe that sounds good". He stripped his shorts and shifted into his black wolf. I stripped and shifted into my cream wolf. He looked up at me because I was bigger. Your wolf is big compared to mine. He said slowly. I know babe. Its because Im all Alpha blood. Lets go.
I took off running in the direction of the lake and Drake caught up to me after a few minutes. He chased me down to the water and we stopped and stared at the moons refection.
We shifted and stood by the water. He wrapped his arm around my waist and bent down to kiss me. His slid across my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I gladly accepted. Our tongues fought for dominance and I let him win. I ran my fingers through his hair and tugged at the ends. I earned a throaty moan from him. He pressed me against him and then gently laid me on the ground. He started sucking and nipping on my neck. I groaned and he chuckled. I dug my nails into his back when he reached the sweet spot along my jaw. He kissed his way back over to my lips and then down my throat. He kissed across my bare chest and gave me butterfly kisses across my stomach. I brought his lips back up to mine and sucked on his bottom lip. I wrapped my legs around him and flipped us to where I was on top. I kissed down his neck and sucked on his jawline. I ran my fingers over his abs and scored another moan. He put his hands on my waist and I laid my head on his chest. We fell asleep and before I drifted off I heard him whisper a faint "I love you". It was like music to my ears.

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