Chapter 5 -13 years later-

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Running, thats all I ever do now. I have been here is this institute for 13 years. I barely remember my life before I was takin. But now I have to say Im enjoying being a wolf. I have learned to "bully" the scientists when Im in my wolf form. My wolf has grown since I was five. Im as tall as a person now and my muscles ripple under my fur. After being at the institute for a year they built me a pen outside. I stay in it most of the time unless they have tests they need to run on me. My pen is 10 acres of woods and clear cut land. Its completely fenced with electrical fencing and razor wire covers the top. I guess they want me to stay in my pen. I am never really aloud in my human form, but now I prefer my wolf. I feel safer and like I can control my life more. Sounds like a typical 18 year old I guess.
I hear the alarm in the pen go off signaling me to come to the gate. I trot off in the direction of the gates moving at a swift pace. I go through the gate and through a shoot that leads me to a smaller indoor cage. A doctor stands on the other side of the fence looking at me. "Good morning Olivia. How are you today?" I growl a warning and rush at the fence stopping before I hit it. He jumps back alarmed and then steps forward fixing his glasses. "I guess that answers my question then." I growled pacing in front of the fence. "Now why I called you in hear. I want to see how you interact with wolves so tomorrow Im going to tranquilize you and put you on a helicopter. We will fly over a certain wolf packs territory known for having large wolves. When you wake up you are to find this pack and try to get accepted. If you shift into your human form while with the wolves you will be shot immediately. Understand?" I nodded my big head showing him that I understood. "You will spend the rest of your night here. We put water and a rabbit in your cage. Kill the rabbit to eat." Without another word he turned his back and walked out. Kill a rabbit to eat is the part that struck me. He wants me to practice killing to fit into the pack. I have to do it. I need the practice. I padded over to the other side of the cage and found the rabbit. I inhaled the scent so I could remember it for my task in the wild. Slowly I crept up on the rabbit. Its ears swiveled in my direction and its nose turned up and started trembling while it smelled. I took this chance and jumped quickly pinning it down with one large paw. It squealed and try to shake itself free. With my large jaws I bit down on the back of the rabbits neck and killed it swiftly. I picked up the rabbit and carried it over to a different corner to eat. When I finished my meal I laid down and thought about what was to become if my days. I slipped into a deep sleep with the thought of wolves on my mind.

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