New baby

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Age 7
You sat at the other side of the room. Watching them. They haven't been listening to you. Only the baby. The new baby. You sat there with tears in your eyes. You sobbed and they didn't look at you. Only the baby. You got up from the couch and walked out of the house. "I knew this would happen." You mumbled to yourself. You walked to Niall's. He's always there for you. You knocked on his door. "Oh hey Y/n." He said smiling. "What you doing here? Come in." You walked in and sat on Niall's chair. "I was just going to your house." "Why?" "To see the new baby." He said smiling. You sighed, then stood up. "Where you going?" "Back home. I might as well get used to being ignored." Before you got to the front door Niall grabbed your arm. "Hey! What's wrong?" "They ignore me. They only pay attention to the baby. I knew this was going to happen. They promised that they'll love me just the same. They lied." You said sobbing. Niall pulled you into a hug. "They don't ignore you love." "They do. I know he's only a baby but I'm not old enough to look after myself as well." Niall sighed. "I'm sure they love you baby girl. You're the girl that made them into a family." "Yeah when I was 2. They've got a new new baby. A new born baby." When Niall was about to say something else, someone kept ringing his door bell nonstop. When he opened the door he saw an exhausted looking Liam. "Please tell me Y/n's here! Louis and Harry are worried!" Niall looked behind him and you slowly walked up beside him. Liam looked at you and sighed relived. Liam pulled you into a hug. "Where's my daddies?" "They're watching the baby." You got out of Liam's arms and headed upstairs. "What's wrong with her?" "She thinks that Harry and Louis are ignoring her because of the baby." Liam sighed. "You're joking?!" Niall shook his head. "We need to phone them." Ten minutes later Louis and Harry walked through the door. "Where is she?!" Harry asked worried. Niall pointed upstairs not taking his eyes of his phone. Harry ran up while Louis sat on the couch with the baby. "Are you being serious?!" "Don't yell!" Louis whispered yelled. "I don't care! Your daughter! The girl that made you a family is crying her eyes out because she feels like you're ignoring her because of the baby!" Louis looked at him shocked. "No, no, no, you're wrong!" He gently gives Niall baby Aiden and runs upstairs. When he saw you and Harry he stormed into the room. He saw that you weren't looking at Harry and he was crying. "Y/n.." "Leave me alone! Go get Aiden! You only wanted him." "Y/n, that's not true! Do you know how much me and your dad love you!?" Harry yelled while sobbing. "No I don't! You promised that you will love me just the same as the baby! But you lied! You broke your promise!" Harry then walked around the room, gripping his hair. Louis then sat down next to you. "Y/n, me and your dad love you very much. You should know that." "Then why did you ignore me? You always wanted a baby. But I wasn't a baby when you got me. Did you want a baby and not me?" Louis and Harry gasped. "Y/n...." Harry said pulling you into his arms. "Me and your dad love you to the moon and back. We loved you the minute we saw you. You could have been 32 and we'd still love you." He kissed your cheek. "We. Are. So. Sorry. Baby." He said as he kept kissing your cheek. Louis then pulled you a hug. "We love you sooooo much." You nodded. "Want to go home now?" You nodded. They smiled and took your hand. You headed downstairs and Harry took Aiden out of Niall's arms, gently as he fell asleep. "Let's go home now yeah?" Harry asked. You nodded and waved at Niall and Liam. They waved and you four headed home.

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