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"I'm trying to solve things between us Harry! And you're not even listening to me!" "I am listening to you Louis, but it's the fact you're not letting me talk! I just want to have a conversation with you, but instead you're nearly biting my head off!" "I'm not biting your head off Harry! I'm trying to get my point across!" "WELL YOU CAN DO THAT WITHOUT BITING MY HEAD OFF!!" Louis stood back. "SEE NOW YOU'VE GOT ME YELLING!! YEAH YOU MIGHT BE TRYING TO GET YOUR POINT ACROSS-" but he got cut off by Louis walking upstairs. "DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME!!" He said following him upstairs. "I'm not having a shouting match with you Harry! You think you can just yell in my face like that?! I'm not a kid! You can't shout in my face like that!" "Oh Louis, get a grip." "NO YOU GET A GRIP!!" Harry's eyes went dark. "Oh so you're allowed to yell at me but as soon as I do it you go mental?! You're twisted Harry! Go away!" Louis tried to walk away but Harry grabbed his wrist making him turn round and make his back face the stairs. "I told you not to walk away from me! Why do you never listen to me!?" "I do listen to you Harry! But you don't let me talk!" "I do let you talk?!" "Yeah, you say that-" "how can you say I don't let you talk?!" "CAN I JUST TALK PLEASE!!?" Harry just stood there staring at him, jaw tensing. "Talk then." Louis sighed. "Thank-" "But just one thing." Louis just flung his hands up. "I'm done." He said walking away but Harry pulled him back. "Louis, don't walk away from me!" "Well do you blame me?" "What?" "You don't let me tal-" "I DO LET YOU TALK!!" "NO YOU DON'T!! YOU ALWAYS CUT ME OFF!!" Just then Harry grabbed his collar. "Don't yell at me! Ok?!" He then let go of him but pushing him a bit. Louis stumbled and then fell back. "LOUIS!" But it was too late, he fell. Harry couldn't catch him in time. He fell down many stairs, he screamed and then at the bottom of the stairs and went unconscious. Harry went wide eyed and ran downstairs. "Louis?" He whispered. He wasn't waking up. "Louis, come on." He said shaking him a bit. "Louis, stop this, wake up!" As he still wasn't waking up, Harry phoned the ambulance. After he called then he put Louis' head on his lap. "They're on their way, boo. They're going to make you better." He kissed his head. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. When you wake up don't hate me." Five minutes later the ambulance came in. "What's his name?" "Louis Tomlinson. He fell." "Right, don't worry we'll get him to hospital." Hour later they were there. "We came as soon as we heard." Niall said with Liam behind him. "What happened?" "I pushed him." Harry mumbled. "What?" Liam asked. "I pushed him downstairs." Harry said a bit louder. "Why?" "We were yelling and I grabbed his collar, I let go of him pushing a bit, then he just fell." Harry said sobbing. "Why?!" Niall yelled angry. "I didn't mean to! I know he'll hate me but I can't live without him." Before Liam or Niall could say anything, the doctor cut them off. "Louis Tomlinson family?" They all rushed up to him. "Hi, how is he?" "He's fine, you can see him just now and he should be allowed out tomorrow." "Thanks." They said and headed to the room. Though Harry took his time. "Harry, he'll be fine." Liam said. Harry nodded and headed in. "Get out Harry!" Louis yelled making Harry freeze. "I'm sorry Louis." "I don't care just leave!" Harry nodded. "I'll get my stuff tomorrow." "W-w-what?" "There is no way in hell i'm forgiving you." Harry sighed and nodded. "Ok, bye." He waved then walked out tears streaming. Niall followed him. "Harry?" Harry ran into his arms. "He hates me." He whispered into his shoulder. "He doesn't hate you Harry, he loves you ok?" Harry nodded. "I was going to propose." Niall went wide eyed. "You what?" "I was going to propose to him, but now we've broken up." Then Harry walked off leaving Niall standing there shocked. *the next day* Niall and Liam were taking Louis, to get his stuff. "Come on let's just get this over with." Louis said getting in the car. "Harry, was going to propose." Niall whispered to Liam. "Really?" "Yes, don't tell Louis." Then they got in the car. "What were you two whispering about?" "Nothing, do you have bags?" "They're at the house so I'll just go in and pack and then leave." They nodded and headed down to Harry. Half an hour later, they arrived. Louis got out and went in. "Oh hey." Harry said. "I've already packed your stuff, Niall and Liam can you help me with the bags, Louis, you make yourself at home.... I guess." Louis nodded and sat down. Few minutes later, Louis got thirsty. He sighed and headed to the kitchen. When he got the cola out he needed to get a glass. He got the glass out the cupboard and he saw a little velvet box. "What the hell?" He mumbled. He opened the box and saw a ring. "Oh my god." He said getting wide eyed. He went back to the couch. "Louis! Here's your bag- where did you get that?!" He said trying to take the box but Louis stood up. "Were you going to propose?" "Where did you find that?" "Answer me first Harry! Were you going to propose?" Harry slowly nodded. "Yes, I was but- just give me if and I'll send it back." He said reaching out to take the box. "What if my answer is yes?" "Why would your answer be yes? You hate me. Now give me the ring!" "No! I'm saying yes! I still love you! I'll always will love you! I want to have a family with you Harry! I'm saying yes!" Harry smiled and pulled him into a hug. "Ask me!" Louis said giving him the ring. Harry sighed and got down on one knee. "Louis William Tomlinson, I love you with all my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So will you be my boo bear forever?" Louis nodded and kissed Harry. "Course I will." 

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