Why Niall?

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Papa; Louis, dad; Harry

Me and Niall are fighting again. He thinks I've been cheating on him. I've not. I would never hurt him like that. But, he can't believe that. He thinks I'm the liar. "Niall, I didn't cheat on you! I would never do that to you!" I said desperately. "Why should I believe you?! Every magazine says it Y/n!" "So you believe a piece of paper over me? A book that could easily spread lies! You're pathetic." I said. "I'm pathetic?! You're the one who couldn't wait a few months for me till I come back for tour!" "I DID WAIT FOR YOU!" I yelled. "I missed you everyday and night! Plus I didn't see my dads!" "Oh boo hoo, everyone knows that Larry Stylinson are your dads, Y/n! No one cares anymore! I'm your boyfriend care about me!" "I know you're my boyfriend, Niall! I didn't cheat on you! I never will!" I said. "I don't know what to believe anymore, Y/n!" He said and I scoffed. "How about you believe me and trust me!" I said. "I want to believe you but seeing you on magazines that you're with a different guy nearly everyday makes it hard!" He argued. "WHY ARE YOU NOT BELIEVING ME?! I'VE BEEN WITH YOU FOR TWO YEARS!" "Yeah, two years that I could've spent having fun!" He said. I looked at him shocked. "Well if I'm stopping you from having fun and you obviously don't believe or trust me then what's the point of this relationship!?" I asked and headed out the room and downstairs. "Y/n, don't just walk away!" Niall said and came after me. "Leave me alone, Niall!" "No, I'm not done talking to you!" He said and grabbed my arm. "What's there to talk about?! You don't believe me when I say I didn't cheat on you! I'm done, Niall! We're done." "No, Y/n please. I'm sorry." He said. I shook my head. "It's too late." I said and left. I headed to my dads house and that's when I broke down. "Y/n?" Papa asked. "Y/n, what's wrong?!" He asked as he saw my crying. "Me and Niall broke up. He thinks I cheated on him and I didn't but he didn't believe me." I sobbed into his chest. "I knew he would end up hurting her!" Dad said coming in. "I told you but you both didn't believe me!" "Harry! Instead of proving you were right, can you at least comfort your daughter!" Papa said and dad pulled me into a hug. "Want your papa to kick his ass?" Dad asked and I chuckled. "No, it's not worth it." I said wiping my eyes. "You sure?" Dad asked and I nodded. Just then there was a knock on the door. "I have a feeling who that is." Papa said and opened the door. Just as he thought, Niall. "No." He said and closed the door but Niall stopped it with his foot. Papa opened the door again. "Niall, she doesn't want to see you." Papa said and Niall sighed. "Well I need to see her." Niall said and pushed past papa. "Y/n, please I'm sorry." "I don't want to hear it, Niall! You don't trust me and that's the key to a perfect relationship!" I said. "I do! I do trust you!" Niall said. "No, no you don't! You believe a stupid piece of paper rather than me! I'm sick of being called a liar!" I said and went upstairs to my room. "Just go, Niall." Harry said. "I need to talk to her and make things right." Niall said. "You tried and it didn't work! She's done with you, Niall! Get over it!" Louis said. "But, I love her." Niall said softly. I groaned as i lied on my bed. Why does relationships have to be so complicated? Just then there was a knock on my door. "Yeah?" I asked. "Y/n?" Niall asked and I sighed. "What, Niall?" I asked. "Please, I'm sorry-" "STOP SAYING THAT! I know you're sorry but It's not going to be ok between us at the snap of a finger!" I said. "I know but I just want things better. I don't want to break up with you." He said. "It was me that broke up with you." I said and he just looked at me. "Sorry." "Please, give me another chance." "I don't know, Niall! You don't trust me." "I do! I swear I do! I don't know what I was thinking when I thought you were cheating on me! I know you would never do that. Please, forgive me. Please." Niall begged. I sighed, "I don't know." I mumbled. "OH FOR GOD SAKE!" Niall then yelled. "What are you yelling at me for?!" I asked. "Why can't you just forgive me?! I love you and you love me!" He said and I looked down. "You do love me don't you?" He asked and I said nothing. "So you DID cheat on me?" He asked and my head snapped up. "No! I didn't!" I said and he flung his hands up. "Then why don't you love me?!" I looked down again. "I do love you, I'm just scared that you're going to hurt me." "Hurt you? I would never lay a hand on you!" "Not that hurt, Niall! I'm scared you won't trust me again. If I did cheat on you I would tell you." I said. "Come with me." He then said and took my hand. I raised and eyebrow as we headed downstairs. "Where are you going?" Dad asked. "Out." Niall simply said and walked out of the house. "Niall, where are we going?" I asked. "Don't ask questions just go along with it." He said. I sighed and got in the car. "No, seriously Niall, where are we going?" I asked again but he just ignored me. "Niall!" "SHUT UP!" He yelled. "I want to make things right again between us. So stop asking questions and wait and see where we're going." I sighed and folded my arms. I saw Niall look at me from the corner of my eye. "Y/n, I'm sorry that I yelled at you. I just want it to be a surprise." "You could've just said that instead of ignoring me." I said. He just rolled his eyes. "You always have to have the last word don't you?!" Niall asked and I looked at him. "I'm not arguing with you again, Niall! It's your fault we're in this mess!" I said. "My fault?! All of this is my fault?! Ha! Well maybe if you weren't such a slut and hanging around other guys-" "don't even go there, Niall!" I said. He just shook his head. "Remember when we met?" Niall asked. I nodded. "I was 16 and you were 20." "Yeah, who would've known that we would get together four years later?" I shrugged. "I do love you, Y/n." I smiled. "I love you too, LOOK OUT!" I screamed but it was too late. The car crashed into my side and flipped the car twice, then crashing into a tree. Niall groaned, he was still alive. But, he wasn't sure if he could say the same for me. "Y/n?" He asked. My head was leaning against the window. Which was smashed and it had blood on it. "Y/n? Princess?" He asked shaking me slightly. "Wake up, love! Princess!" He said and started to cry. "Don't leave me." He whispered and climbed out of the car. He brought out his now smashed phone and thankful it was still working. "Niall?! Where are you and Y/n?!" Louis asked. "Lou, we've been in a crash. A bad one!" Niall replied. "Lou, Y/n's not waking up. Her head is against the window and it's covered in blood." Niall said and Louis' breathed hitched. "GET HER OUT OF THERE YOU IDIOT!" Niall sighed and went over to the car. He couldn't open my door. "Y/n!" He said. "Y/n! Y/N!" He then ran to his side and reached over to me. "No, no, NO!" He chanted as he found out I was stuck. He saw that Louis was still on the phone. "Why are you chanting no? What's wrong with my baby girl?!" Harry asked. Louis must have him on speaker. "She's stuck! Come over we're at Kings street." Niall said and hung up the phone. "Come on, princess wake up." Niall said. Just then there was sirens. "Ambulance." He said and tried getting me out. Two minutes later, police cars, ambulances and fire engines turned up. "Hi, are you alright?" One of the ambulances asked. "I'm fine, I just hurt my head and my side but can you help her?" Niall asked and she nodded. "What's her name?" "Y/n Stylinson." Niall replied. "Y/n, love. Can you hear me?" She said patting my cheek and i didn't reply. "Y/n, my name is Julie I'm going to try and get you out of here." Julie said and Niall gripped his hair. "Is it ok if we check you over for any injuries?" An other ambulance person asked and I nodded. She leaded me to the ambulance and sat me on the bed. "You have a few cuts on your head. I heard you say that you hurt your side?" I nodded, "it's not that sore." Niall said. "Can I see it?" She asked and Niall nodded. She lifted Niall's top up and saw a large bruise. "It's not sore did you say?" She asked and Niall nodded. "What if I did this?" She asked gently pressing her fingers into his side. "Not really." Niall replied. "Ok, well I'll put some stitches on your head and you'll be fine." She said and Niall nodded. Just then a car came speeding around the corner. Niall realised it was Harry and Louis. "That's her parents." Niall said pointing to them. "Go and get them." The woman said to Niall as she finished his stitches. I ran over to them and Louis glared at him. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Niall looked down. "She's over there in the car- WHICH IS ON FIRE!" Niall yelled. Everyone looked at the car. "JULIE THE CAR IS ON FIRE!" Firefighters got out the fire extinguishers. "Oh my god." Harry whispered. "Get her out. Get her out. Get. Her. Out. GET HER OUT!" Louis said, Harry gripped his arm. Niall walked over the to the car but Harry pulled him back. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" He yelled. "I want to save her." Niall said. "Leave it to the professionals, Niall." Louis said looking at the car. "The fire isn't going out. Why isn't the fire going out?!" Harry asked. "Hey, what's going on?" Liam asked running over. "Y/n's in that car." Niall said. "We were in a crash. The car crashed into her side and it flipped twice and crashed into the tree." "The car crashed into her side?!" Harry asked. Niall nodded slowly. "We've lost her haven't we?" Louis asked Harry. "Don't say that! She'll be fine." "HER LEGS ARE STUCK!" Julie yelled. A bunch of people ran towards the car. "Are you family?" A police officer ask. "I'm her boyfriend." "We're her dads." "I'm a family friend." They replied. The police officer nodded. "You were in the car with her?" He asked Niall, who nodded. "Are you injured?" He asked, "I hurt my head I've got stitches and I've got a large bruise up my back but it's not sore." Niall replied. "So you're ok?" He asked and Niall nodded. "So would you mind telling me what happened?" Niall sighed. "Well we were arguing like most couples do and I said that I loved her when she was going to say it back... This car came out of nowhere and she yelled look out... But, it was too late and the car crashed into her side and it flipped twice and crashed into that tree." Niall explained. The officer nodded and wrote it down in his notebook. "Thanks, son." He said. "Hope your girlfriend is ok." He said and Niall nodded. "Thank you." "Y/N!" Liam yelled. They looked and saw me getting dragged out of the car by my arms. "She looks so.... broken." Harry said. "My baby girl." Louis said. Just as they put me in the ambulance, the car exploded. The boys stepped back covering their faces. When they looked back they saw that I was lying on the ground looking.... Dead. "No." Niall whispered and ran over to me. Same with Harry, Louis and Liam. "Y/n!" They said and Niall kneeled down beside me. He cupped my cheeks and made me look at him. There was glass all over my face. "Y/n! Wake up, princess." Niall begged. "Check her pulse." Liam said. Louis pushed Niall out the way and put his fingers to my neck. He sighed, "there's no pulse." He said sobbing. "What?! No it can't be!" Harry said and pushed Louis out the way. Harry then done the same and sighed. "NO!" He yelled. Liam wiped his eyes. "I'm sorry." People were crowding round us. "Move." Niall said and kneeled beside me and started doing CPR. "Niall, she's gone." Harry sobbed. "Not on my watch. I'm saving my princess." He done 15 chest presses and two mouth to mouth. He repeated the actions again and again. "Come on, Y/n!" He said. He done it another few times when I started coughing. "She's alive! DEAR HEAVENS ABOVE THE STARS AND CLOUDS SHE'S ALIVE!" Louis yelled. "Niall?" I asked weakly. "It's me, princess. Oh my god, you're ok." He said hugging me. "You saved me." I said. "I saved you." Niall said and the other three boys smiled. "We're so glad you're ok, baby girl." Papa said and kissed my head. "Thank you so much, Niall!" Harry said and pulled him into a tight hug. "What can we do to repay you?" "Let me marry, Y/n." He said quietly showing him and Louis and Liam the ring. They nodded and we all headed to the ambulance. Part two will be the proposal and wedding.

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