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Dad; Louis.
Papa; Harry.
Age; 18.
Been a while 😂

Its midnight and Y/n hasn't came home yet. Her curfew was ten o'clock. Louis and Harry are worried sick.

"If she doesn't come back in the next five minutes, I'm phoning the police!" Harry said, trying to call her for the fifth time and for the fifth time it goes straight to voicemail.

"PICK UP THE FUCKING PHONE!" He yelled, tears of frustration making their way down his face.

You see, this is the third time this week that Y/n has came home late, most of the time it's because she's been arguing with the two men. But, mostly with Harry. They're growing apart more and more day by day.

Just then, Y/n made her way into the door. "Oh, thank god!" Harry said, running up to her, but she just made her way upstairs.

"Y/n!" Harry called, but she ignored him. "Just leave her until the morning, Harry." Louis said sighing.

"What if she isn't here in the morning? What if she leaves?" Harry asked, pulling at his hair, making it point in all directions.

Louis sighed, "come on, let's get to bed." He said.


Harry woke up, heading to Y/n's room seeing that her bed was made, panic rushing through him, running downstairs, looking into the living room seeing it empty. "No." He whispered.

"Harry?" Louis asked in the kitchen. Harry's head snapped to the kitchen door, where he took off running again. "Where's Y/n?! Louis, where is she?!" Harry asked.

"I'm right here." Y/n replied from the table, glass of orange juice in her hand, a plate of toast and spaghetti hoops in front of her.

Harry let out a sigh of relief, "I thought you were gone." He whispered, sitting down next to her. "It's not like you would care, you'd probably be relieved." Y/n said.

Harry looked at her shocked, "no, no you've got it all wrong." He said. "Have I?! You hate me, papa. I bet you're happy when I walk out of that door, I bet you never want to me to return! I bet, you're waiting for the police to come to that door and announce that I'm dead. You're probably living for it!" Y/n explained.

"That's enough!" Louis called. "It's true though, isn't it!? You're both waiting for the day! I know it!" Y/n said.

Harry had tears streaming down his face. "THAT'S NOT TRUE!" He yelled, pulling her into a tight hug. Y/n pushing him away. "Yeah, it is. You don't care, you both don't." Y/n said, standing up ready to walk out of the house when Harry grabbed her arm, making her turn to look at him.

"We're terrified! Every time that you walk out that door, every time that I call you and you don't pick up your phone...our heart stops. When you left, I didn't know what to do. I broke down, I nearly pulled my hair out. We were ready to call the police! You're our baby girl, we'd be lost without you!" Harry sobbed.

"We may not be getting along, but we still care about you and love you, so much that it actually hurts." Louis explained.

Y/n looked down, "I'm sorry." She whispered. "You've got nothing to be apologising for, its us that should be sorry." Louis said, pulling her in for a hug.

All of them happy, that they've worked things out.

Their happy little family.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2018 ⏰

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