January 20th, 2016

9 1 0

                       Hey friend! Well today was a pretty okay day if I do say so myself, all things considered. Started off the day good with one of my best friends coming back to school with me and Harley Quinn. I'll tell ya, it really brought me back to 6th grade. Back then, me, Harley Quinn, and Afro-Kid where unstoppable. (Lol "Afro-kid", it's ironic cuz he got a buzzcutt earlier xD no mo 'fro but oh well lol) Anyways, me and Har showed Afro the school a little bit before he had to go get his stuff at guidance. But we didn't show him where me, Sweetie and Hero meet during lunch (so we could all hangout). So lunch rolled around and me, Harley, Hero and Sweetie all went around the school looking for him right when he was underneath our noses xD lol. Well at least we had fun upstairs while we did hangout during lunch lol. It was a blast, best I've had in a while tbh X'D. Antyways, after that me and Sweetie went to gym and it was a pretty boring day. Other than what she had to say to me about a certain someone. And well I told you I was going to tell you one day and I am. So, I've been dating someone for the past two weeks (well, we were on and off but back on). Anyways, the person I've been dating, his name is Jackson Riley.

                     Yeah, surprise surprise, it's a boy, lol. And no I'm not gay, I'm bi, and now I'm not afraid to say it anymore. (Welp, got that off mah chest). Anyways, me and Jackson got into an argument. It was all me, I accidentally went off on him because of some life and other issues. So we both decided to take a break. But what Sweetie said to me today really got to me, so I apologized to him again and asked him if we could talk. It wasn't until later that day we actually did. At first, we weren't the happiest towards each other, but I plead my heart out to him and he heard me out. And we started to just plead our hearts out to each other. So much so that were were both practically in tears (of some sadness, but then joy) and we both agreed. We both agreed on a fresh start. So starting today is the day of my new relationship with him. One that's closer and stronger than it was before~

                  So yeah, that happened. Well, like I said, I think today didn't turn out too bad ;) It was good all things considered. So with that said, I'll take my leave friend. 

Good Night


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