Chapter 5

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Sorry this is really late :/ either way, let's get to it

Dan's POV

"Bye." I pulled away from the hug to see a confused look on Phil's face. He was so adorable. My heart beat was still going at an unnatural speed.

I blushed and headed back into the house. This wasn't right. If I fall for Phil it would break my heart because I know I can't have him. He's all ready in love.

But Dan, you almost kissed today..obviously there is something between you two that's to hard to control....

No, I can't play Phil that way. I can't make him do something as bad as cheat on Evan. I can't kill his innocence. I checked the time on my phone. 8:36 p.m. .

Wow almost three hours of math. I can't keep doing that it's crazy. When the hell am I going to use any of this in a job.  I sighed and walked back to my room and opened tumblr.

I guess this will do for now, it always does. I scrolled through tumblr until I got hungry and went down stairs.

I checked the cupboards and found a bag of crisps. I tiredly brought down the bowl and crisps making a lot of noise. I threw the trash away turned off the lights.

I began to speed walk towards the stairs when I saw someone standing behind a wall in the corridor. I screamed and dropped my bowl of chips.


I heard my mum blurt out and she began laughing and didn't stop until she was on the floor. "MUM WHAT THE FUCK I DROPPED MY DAMN CRISPS!"

I heard her gasp and she walked towards me. "Daniel James Howell! Don't ever use that language with me, ever again."

She turned the light on and glared at me. She looked down at the mess on the floor and giggled at me. "Clean up your fucking mess."

She grabbed a broom and passed it to me. "That's not fair." She stuck her tongue out and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

I reached for the broom and thought deeply about my situation with Phil. "Mum?....can I ask you something?" She hummed as she rummaged through the fridge.

"So.....there's this guy." She looked up immediately and slammed the fridge. "Dating advice..your asking me?? Ooooooh."

She jumped excitedly and pulled out a chair." Mom you're such a child." I scoffed and swept up the mess. "Ahh you love me. So continue about this boy."

I threw the trash away and sat by her. "I may be getting..feelings..I guess.... For a guy that's already in a relationship. I just can't help it. He's so amazing.

I haven't even known him for so long but there's just something about him." I stared at the wall picturing Phil laughing and when his face was merely an inch from mine.

I smiled goofily at myself imagining his adorable face. "Aww my poor Danny. Sweetheart I'm so sorry.

Unrequited love is the worst." I snapped out of my daydreams and scowled. "Unrequited? No.. I don't think. He has to have feeling for me too... He has too we, we almost kissed today."

My voice was in a whisper and my mother squinted her eyes at me. "Sweetheart don't. Don't ruin a good relationship. Promise me you won't let anything happen between you two. Don't help him cheat, don't make him become a cheater, and don't let the person he's dating get cheated on. That pain is to much."

I looked down at the ground a bit guiltily. I knew to much pain would be caused but I can't help it. Phil's so hard to leave. "Just in case you didn't know Dan, it's 2:00 a.m. So get back to bed."

She patted my back and got up. "Wait, why are you awake mum?" She began walking away and she shrugged. "Tumblr."

I laughed to myself and turned off the light. I ran inside and jumped on my bed. I thought about Phil for a bit until I drifted off to sleep.

*Ding ding ding*

I groaned as the doorbell continued to ring. I covered my ears but it seemed to grow even louder. I lazily got up and heard the rain pouring onto the ground. I ran downstairs and opened the door for the annoying ringing to stop. "Phil?" He was soaking wet and although the rain covered his face you can tell he was crying. "We broke up." He ran into my arms and cried. "Oh, Phil i'm so sorry." I sounded as if I was truly sorry but I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. Suddenly Phil stopped crying and he stared up at me. "You're happy? Aren't you?" I looked down at him confused and he smashed our lips together. I was in shock but didn't pull away." The doorbell was ringing again. Louder this time. It grew louder and louder and louder...


I jumped awake and reached for my phone groaning. I turned off my alarm and got up. I was still blushing. It all felt to real. I knew I was already going to be late so I took my time to get ready.


the doorbell began ringing. "Ummmm. Am I still dreaming?" I pinched myself but the ringing continued.

I ran downstairs skipping steps and pulled open the door to see a shivering Phil standing in front of me. "Phil?" He ran inside and closed the door. "It's soooo cold."

His cheeks were rosy pink and I could see small snow laying on his nose. I laughed and wiped the snow off his nose.

His skin was cold and he flinched when my skin came in contact with his. "Dan why are you late! I was waiting at my house for a bit to see if you'd walk by but once it got later I realized that we bumped into each other when I was late. So???? Why are you always late. Lets go!"

He grabbed my arm but I pulled him back. "Phil I haven't even straightened my hair." He looked up at my hair and smiled. "You have curly hair?"

He giggled as he moved his hand over my hair. "Hey Dan, it looks like hobbit hair." He giggled to himself and messed with my curls. "Hahaha." I mocked him and pushed his hand away. "I can't go to school like this. I look like an idiot."

He frowned and touched my hair again. "No! You look cute." He looked surprised after saying what he did and I could feel the heat in my cheeks. "No I look stupid."

I talked quietly and quickly covered my hair with my hands. "I'm going to straighten it just wait here." I tried to run up stairs but a hand wrapped around my arm and pulled me back.

"Nope. Get your backpack we're leaving. We're both late as it is, we don't have time for you to straighten your hair." I laughed at his sudden parent like instructions and did as he said.

We began walking to school in silence. I put on my hoodie so I wouldn't have to have my hobbit hair, as Phil calls it, out all day. "Dan?" I looked at Phil as and hummed.

"Your hobbit hair is cute...don't feel insecure about it." He giggled a bit but he looked sincere. "Thanks." I smiled to myself. Pink staining my cheeks as we continued to walk.

Aaaaaand that's it for this chapter! Thanks for reading my lives ^.^

Oh and I've been meaning to ask if anyone could make me a cover? My editing skill is so low I don't think it can even be referred to as a skill XD

Thanks for reading <3  LOVE YOU

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