Chapter 1

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Hey guys this is my first phanfiction ^.^
I haven't tried to write a story before so I'm not sure if i'm good, please tell me what you think! I'll try to post a chapter every Friday. Thanks for clicking my book... NOW let's get on with the story ()
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PPhil's POV:

We Walked into school with our hands linked together. I've never been happier in my entire life. I looked up at my boyfriend who looked beautiful with his dirty blonde hair pulled into a quiff  and his blue eyes staring intently at the ground.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

He was deep in thought and didn't acknowledge my words. "Helloooo, Evan?" I stopped and stood in front of him and he finally snapped back into reality. "Sorry babe I'll um see you later, ok?"

I nodded and he pecked my lips before walking away. I couldn't fight the red growing on my cheeks and smiled to myself as  I imagined all of our good times.

I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched and scanned my surroundings quickly until I made eye contact with a pair of golden brown eyes.

They belonged to a boy who looked my age. He had brown hair with a fringe like mine but his hair was in the opposite direction. He was sitting against a tree with an open book in hand. There was something about him that made we want to get to know him.

I couldn't quite put my finger on it. When I first saw his face a look of disgust was plastered across his tan skin but now, only a smirk remained there. I stared curiously at the boy as if staring into his eyes would unlock the information of him I was wondering about.

I jumped at the sound of the bell and hurried to class with brown eyes in my thoughts instead of blue. So far, as I tried to think of math equations or summary's I could write, my mind would go straight to the pair of brown eyes.

I was day dreaming when the bell rang signaling that break was starting. I rushed out to look for Evan but was mindlessly keeping a look out for brown eyes. I was pulled from my thoughts as arms wrapped around me from behind. I smiled wide and turned to kiss Evan before linking our hands together.

I tried to focus on the words Evan was saying but my mind was busy making up different scenarios on how I would meet that boy.

I mentally cursed at myself for one in particular where arms wrapped around me from behind and as I turned brown eyes stared back at me. 

Although this was something I shouldn't think about, I couldn't hide the fact that my cheeks were pink. "So what do you think?" I looked up at Evan with a confused look. "Huh?"

He laughed and poked my nose. "You haven't been listening to a word I've said have you?" I looked down ashamed but he lifted my chin up and connected our lips.

I loved feeling this way with him. I felt insanely happy. "I'm sorry Evan I...have a erm project and was..wondering what to do?" He laughed again and pulled me closer. "Is that a question Phil?"

I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. "I love you." I smiled stupidly to myself but my eyes opened in shock when I realized what I've said.

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