Chapter 4

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Phil's POV

"Ha you really haven't played this." Dan laughed right as he killed me in Halo with the hammer.

"Aww Dan what are you doing!" I laughed as Dan continued to bent down then stand up repeatedly over my dead player. "This is the way of the the twelve year old in Halo Phil. Take that you noob."

I suppressed my laughter as I sneaked behind him and shot at him until he died. "What- ahh no Phil. Not fair you distracted me!"

He grabbed a pillow and threw at me. "Dan! You distracted yourself." I threw the pillow back at him and he glared at me playfully. "Oh yeah!"

He stood up and grabbed the pillow. "What Dan no! No!" He tried to hit me with the pillow but I jumped off the chair just in time. I dove to his bed and grabbed a pillow breathing hard do to me being very unfit.

Dan started laughing hysterically and I smirked at him. He had let his guard down so I quickly hit him on the side of the face with the pillow.

He gasped and looked at me through his fringe. "Phil Lester how dare you." I giggled a bit then was hit on my side repeatedly.

We laughed as we kept hitting each other and badly tried to trash talk to each other. We were both out of breath and stopped for a second.

I looked up and saw an evil grin on Dan's face. "Dan what are yo-" He ran towards me and tackled me onto the bed. "Dan no!"

He sat on top of me with his knees pressing my arms between my legs so I couldn't move. He began to tickle my sides and I squirmed under him trying to get away.

"Dan stop." I was laughing nonstop and freed one of my hands. He continued to tickle me but I raised my free hand to his neck. He instantly gasped and tried to move his head away. "Phil!"

He stopped tickling me and I kept laughing at the expression he had on his face. My hand was still placed behind his neck keeping him in place and soon my laughs died away.

We stared at each other's eyes still in the same position. I thought about how when I first saw him. He stood out completely. Plus, he was so different from anyone I've met.

He was so kind and caring but a rebellious side of him would surface at some times. He seemed to rarely let that side him show when I was around but it would come out sometimes. My hand grew tired and I began to slowly bent it which brought Dan's face closer to mine.

My elbow was now against the bed and Dan's face was merely five inches from mine. Nothing could describe the feeling in me that wanted him to connect his lips with mine so badly although I never had thought of Dan this way.

Nothing could describe how all I could think about was Dan. Evan was nowhere in my mind. Even though I loved him so much I couldn't think about about anything but Dan.

My heart beat wildly threatening to jump out of my chest.

Dan lowered himself slowly. Four inches. I could feel Dan's breath on my face. Three inches. I closed my eyes letting myself forgot about everything but Dan.


Dan yelped and I opened my eyes seeing him fall off me and onto the bed beside me. The beeping continued and I coughed awkwardly as I stood up and grabbed my phone.

Dan was sitting on his bed with a dark shade of pink painted onto his cheeks. "Erm Dan? It's five. Shall we start?"

He nodded quickly without saying a word. I brought out the work Mr. Lockton had given us and began helping Dan with his work.

"Oh so it's n-2?" Dan pointed to the problem and I nodded. "Yep. Dan don't you remember this? We've learned this before." He squinted his eyes and looked at the wall.

"Well, not really." I giggled at his clueless expression and motioned back to the work. As we kept working I could see Dan look at me quickly through the corner of my eyes.

He would look for no more than two seconds or until his cheeks turned a pink color. I couldn't help but notice how cute this was.

No Phil remember...EVAN. What happened before was already incredibly inappropriate considering you have a boyfriend. Dan groaned and I giggled again.

"Dan there's only seven more problems." He groaned again and I nodded my head smiling.

*fast forward XD*

"Ugh finally!" Dan shot up a held his hand as if it was injured. "All this work is really bad for my physical and mental health. He put on a sad face and I laughed at him. "Dan you're to dramatic."

He smiled at me and walked over to the controller sitting on the floor. "So you want to play again? Or are you needed home?" I thought about it for a bit.

I would do anything to get away from home and I'm pretty sure Howard was there. He was probably drunk again.

Even after my mum's death he kept drinking which ended up in me continuing to refuse in calling him dad and to lose all respect that was somehow left in the midst of it all.

I also needed to spend some time away from Dan. What happened earlier was destined to happen again. I just knew it.

There was something about him that would somehow make it happen again. I just couldn't do that to Evan. Wait...Evan.

Dan looked at me still holding the controller up. He looked hopeful which looked very adorable. This made it all more tempting to stay with him but I knew what I had to do.

"Sorry I would love to stay but I'm probably needed home." He looked a disappointed but quickly smiled. "I'll lead you out." He nodded at me and I checked to make sure I had everything before following him out his room.

We went down stairs and we walked out. "Thanks Phil. For the tutoring and the playing video games." He laughed at the end of the sentence and I smiled.

"No problem. It was fun." We looked at each other for a bit but soon it became very awkward. "Bye." I waved and began to walk away when he walked over and hugged me. "Bye."

He smiled at me and I could see him blushing. He walked back into his house and I headed towards Evan's house.

I was just walking by my house on my way to Evan's when arms wrapped around me. I was about to scream but I saw blue eyes staring at me sadly.

I hugged Evan back tightly and felt a bit guilty for what happened with Dan. "Phil I'm so sorry! You know I was cheated on before by the girl I really loved and I know you would never do that to me but-"

I pressed our lips together to shut him up. "It's ok you idiot." I smiled but inside my mind was going crazy and there was one thing that made my heart ache.

There was no insanely happy feeling this time I kissed him. I didn't feel the spark that was always there this time.

Soooo that's it! I think it was pretty cute when they almost kissed. Stupid alarms, they ruin everything. Either way, thanks for reading I'll post another chapter Tomorrow! BYE :)

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