Know your enemy

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Everything still feels so unreal.

After that day in the classroom, things went really fast. I got my shit back together and cleared out the entire school, room by room. There had been more walkers than I'd expected, but it was nothing compared to what was going on outside. If you're wondering why I manage to survive so well and kill so easily, let's just say that I have quite some anger built up in me that clearly needed to be released. I also kept that pen. It has become a symbol of my strength, which is probably why I refuse to let go of it.

The first two weeks, I spent watching the news. Apparently, the government and this country's best scientists had been brought to safety and were doing everything they could to find a cure. We were updated every hour or so, but I learned nothing more than I already knew. The outbreak was caused by a virus that activates a small part of the brain only a couple of hours after death. Originally, people bitten or scratched by walkers got in contact with the virus. They would get a body-wrecking fever. Then death. And revival after that. But it grew worse.

We now were all infected.

The virus was inside all of us and death was no longer a way out. Death was a way in.

I did, however, had gotten the impression that they had spent more time watching The Walking Dead than doing actual research and I was convinced that none of them had killed a walker themselves yet. The updates also grew less frequent and soon, the only channel left had disappeared too.

The radio wasn't of any good use either. The numb, emotionless message was the same over and over again. "Stay calm. Don't go outside. Lock your doors and windows. Help is coming"

I personally didn't expect help to come, but one can hope.

The cafeteria provided me with plenty of food to live on for quite some time and the high iron gates protected me from walkers. I considered myself lucky, but I wasn't happy. I was miserable and lonely. And as the days passed, I got more and more isolated from the outside world, or what was left of it, and I knew that I had to find myself some company or I would lose my mind.

* * * * *

With the freshly brewed cup of coffee in my hands, I walk down the large stairs. As I take my turn to the cafeteria I greet Mr. Grimson, who is now nothing more than a pile of decomposing flesh. "I want to see you after school, McDermott" I imitate mockingly.

I stop abruptly when I hear a sound. It's a sound that's somewhat grown on me over the past two months, but it's been a while since I've heard it this up-close. It can only mean one thing.

A walker has entered the school.

I can feel the heat rising up in my body all the way to my face. My cheeks are like a 200 degree oven and my head is starting to pound as if someone is repeatedly smashing a hammer against the inside of my skull. "shit sHiT SHIT!" This is very bad news. A walker being able to enter the school means that there's a weak spot somewhere around here and a weak spot means that other walkers are able to enter the school and oh my god this is not good.

In a panic, I drop my mug. The sound of shattering glass seems to have taken the interest of the nearby walker as I hear the sound growing louder. I quickly run all the way back, past Mr. Grimson, and sprint up the stairs. I smash open the door to my room and lock it behind me. As I peek outside through the shades I can feel my entire body growing numb. I start shaking and hold on to the desk anxiously to keep me on my feet.

The fucking gates are open.

I scan the playground one more time. There are three walkers by the parking lot and two more closer to the main entrance. But there's one thing that catches my attention more than the open fence.

A man. A living man.

His left arm supporting his side, he stumbles towards the door. He doesn't look taller than 5'7'' and seems to be about forty years old. That little fucker opened the gates and LEFT IT OPEN?! What the shit was he thinking?

I take a seat on my bed and contemplate the scenario. A middle-aged, correction; a wounded middle-aged man has opened the gates of the school. hasn't closed them, causing walkers entering my safe haven, and is now reaching towards the entrance. Am I supposed to be happy for receiving company? Or is this the kind of company I am not supposed  to be happy for. I grow more an more paranoid as each minute passes. I'm not liking this at all. He seems so familiar. Like a distant friend or something, but I'm in too much of a shock to make up my mind. I take a deep breath, grab my knife from under the bed and run back downstairs.

I'm relieved to see only one walker as I enter the main hall. I take the knife out of my holster and plant it in it's head. Blood spills everywhere, painting my face and my body red. The walker makes one last gargling sound before falling to the floor. Quickly, I run towards the main entrance and open the doors.

Right in front of me lies the man, his arms are hanging loosely next to him and his head is facing the pavement. I crouch next to him and carefully place two fingers against his neck. I shiver as I make contact with his ice cold skin. It takes me a while, but I manage to find a heartbeat, even though its weak. Walkers from all sides are approaching. I quickly get up and grab my knife. I anxiously hold on to the cold hilt as I ram it into the little shits' heads. I sigh in relief as I take down the last one. My clothes are soaked in blood and there are a few intestines tangled up in my hair. I smear my hands against my jeans to clean them off a little and tuck the knife back in the holster. I quickly run up to the gates and close them.

After one more check for walkers, I hobble back towards the door and take a seat next to the man, who still hasn't moved. "What am I going to do with you?" I mumble as I study his body. He is quite muscular and his arms are covered in tattoos. His hair is black and spiked up a little.

Why. The. Fuck. Does. He. Look. So. Damned. Familiar?!

Oh what the hell with it, I think as I grab his arms and attempt to drag him inside. For a man his size he's rather heavy and it eventually takes me up to five minutes to get him into the school. I close the doors behind me and kneel next to the man again. I notice the trail of blood I've left behind. I start examining his body and soon find a big, gaping wound in his side. The bleeding has stopped though. Slowly, I grab him by his shoulders and turn him around so he is now laying on his back.

O-oh m-my god...

Words are lacking. I get up, shaking like a leaf. My eyes get watery and soon, the salty tears are streaming all over my face. How could I've been so blind? It's all I could've ever wished for laying in front of me. It's like entering school on a Monday morning only to see it has turned into a MacDonnalds. It's like craving ice cream and finding an unopened Jar of Ben&Jerry's in the freezer. It's like taking a hot bath after a half-an-hour long ride home in the freezing cold. But better.

It's Billie Joe Armstrong.

A/N: yo, guys! I really hope you've enjoyed the first three chapters of this story. I would really, really appreciate your comments/opinions on what I've written so far. Also, if any of you've got any questions, please lemme know. I'm more than happy to answer all of them. More will be coming and I promise I wont disappoint you ^-^

Lots and loads of love, some virtual cookies and a hug, Nina

Welcome to Paradise // Billie Joe Armstrong // #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now