Good riddance

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I awake to a sound I can't quite identify. My mind subconsciously goes to think it's rain hitting the window of the room I'm in.

A smile appears on my face, my eyes remaining shut. I hear the sounds grow louder. Good. Let the rain drench the streets up to a point of submersion, I don't mind. I love the calming energy that perfectly captures the safety of four walls and a roof that block out the danger of the outside world.

But more than I love the safety of four walls and a roof, I love the safety of two arms holding me tightly. Providing me warmth, comfort and the feeling that I'm loved. And all of those things seem to come together on this beautiful morning.


As I open my eyes, the first thing I see is Billie's face, that's gently touching mine. His eyes are closed, his breathing steady. I stare at the picture in front of me in complete awe, but then my gaze travels down to my hands that are carefully clasped together against Billie's chest.

At first, I can't quite get to understand what's wrong with it, until I finally take in the ray of sunlight that's warming up the back of my hand. Thoughts are racing through my mind faster than I want them to and I quickly turn my head towards the window.

Outside, the sun is shining brightly.

Nevertheless, the pitter-patter sound is still very much alive, but very not so much appearing to be rain anymore.

Reluctantly, I leave my comfortable spot next to Billie and pace over to the window in the back of the studio. As I open the curtains further, a heat rises up from the depths of my bones and sends shivers all the way though my spine. No rain. Just sun.

And walkers. A fucking shit-ton of walkers scraping their mud-stained 9-inch nails against the wooden door that separates Billie and I from the outside.

I quickly run back towards Billie, who is still sleeping peacefully. I get down on my knees and shake his body heavily in every direction possible. Downstairs, the walkers are making their way through the wood.

"Billie! Billie wake up!" I cry out whisperingly.

I hear a muffled groan as Billie rolls his body away from me. "Headache" Billie mumbles while rubbing against his sleep. I sigh and roll my eyes as I grab him by his shoulders and turn his body to face me again.

"They're here" I state, hoping to be able to mislead him.

Billie shoots up as I speak the words, his eyes widened, his lips slightly parted. As his excitement radiates over to me, I feel nothing but guilt. I shouldn't've said that. I always say the wrong things, it was only a matter of time before my poisoned mind would deceive me into making a mistake again.

"Walkers" I quickly add, trying to cover up my mistake.

I see a spark of disappointment shooting through Billie's eyes, but it's soon being replaced by fear. His entire body tenses up and he looks at me in shock.

"Are they inside?" he asks, while he quickly gets to on his feet.

"No, not yet, but I can hear them biting through the wood" I reply. Billie speeds over to the window and takes a look outside. Below me, I can hear the door being torn apart by the flesh-craving dead ones. Billie has heard it too, as he runs back towards me and hoists me on my feet.

"I know a way we can escape to the car" he whispers, leading me into the hallway. Gargling sounds are growing louder and I hear a walker trying to crawl up the stairs. As I turn around I can already see one of its filthy fingers reaching the second last step.

"No time" Billie says as he grabs my hand and drags me along with him. we run further down the hallway until we reach a double door. Billie slams it open and we find ourselves on a balcony. I breathe in the fresh air. The cold slightly alleviates the headache that seems to be tearing my skull apart.

"We're gonna have to jump again, there's no other way" Billie looks at me in concern, waiting for an approval. "Fucken aye, not again" I groan lightly.

I walk over to the balustrade and lean over the edge. As far as I can see, there are no walkers on this side of the house. Billie takes place next to me and sweeps his feet over the edge. I mimic his actions and we're now both sitting on the railing.

I let out a deep sigh and look over at Billie. He looks back at me, sending me a little nod.

"Ready?" he asks quietly.


We both fall down at the same time. The ground hits me like a rock and I can already feel five bruises appear on my body. I roll through the wet glass in pain as I curse the earth for being so solid. Soon, I feel Billie wrapping his arms around me carefully.

"Are you okay?" he whispers.

The concerning and caring tone in his voice makes me smile through my pain and I nod as I get back on my feet. Billie sends me a sweet smile and we both stumble towards the fence, that's still a chink open. We were so stupid not closing it as we entered yesterday.

I gasp loudly as I look behind me. The walkers have caught up on us and are stumbling with the same speed in our direction.

"Hurry, they're getting close" I warn, increasing my speed.

Billie reaches into his pockets and fumbles with the keys, until he finds the one belonging to his car. The lights blink twice as he presses the button. I run past the fence towards the car and crawl inside. I slam the door shut and Billie takes place behind the wheel.

The engine starts rolling as he inserts the keys and, in one go, we race out the street, leaving everything behind once again.

Welcome to Paradise // Billie Joe Armstrong // #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now