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The door makes a clicking sound, but shows no sign of movement as Billie tries to push it forward.

"I think it's stuck" he states as he rests the side of his body against the wood and gives it another firm shove.

"That, or it's locked".

"Smartass" Billie chuckles as he rolls his eyes. "Let's go 'round the house. There's a small window in the back we might be able to enter through. At least, if it's not locked too".

I want to protest. This house, and even this neighborhood for that matter, looks completely abandoned, but before I can even say a word, Billie grabs my hand and drags me along with him.

His touch sends electric pulses through my veins and makes me question how I ever turned out to be like this. I soon pick up with his speed and we're now walking side by side. He gives me a little smile and softly squeezes my hand as I look at him. I quickly turn my eyes back to the ground, as I feel I'm starting to blush again.

This man. I swear to god.

We pace to the back of the house until we reach the window Billie was talking about. He fumbles with the frame and quickly, it flies wide open. A grin appears on his face as he turns his head in my direction.

"Bingo" he smiles. I smile back, but a displeased feeling crowds in on me. Tre, Mike and Adrienne are very unlikely to still be in the house, but I'm unsure whether Billie's aware of it. I just don't want to rain on his parade, he looks so hopeful

But god knows what we'll find in there. I'm terrified to enter, I'd much rather wait outside.

"Okay, so here's the deal. I climb up through the window and then I'll lift you up as well" Billie explains. "Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Just be careful" I warn, but Billie has already begun his climb. As he escorts himself through the window, his shirt moves up a bit and exposes a part of his black underwear. Never thought I'd ever get to see that so up-close, I think as I chuckle to myself.

"Alright, gimme your hand" Billie orders from where he's sitting up in the frame of the window.

I reach out my hand and with a swift movement, Billie hoists me up. We're now sitting squished against each other in the framework. Not complaining, though. I can feel his arm wrapped around my waist tightly to prevent me from falling backwards into the grass and I really need to retain myself from just burying my head in his chest and falling asleep.

"So... how are we supposed to get down again?" I ask carefully. We're pretty high, we can't just jump".

Billie turns his head towards me and a cheeky grin appears on his face. He pouts his lip quizzically as he looks down at the ground beneath us.

"What is it?" I giggle.

"Yeah, no we're gonna jump" he simply states, smiling like an idiot, before he lets himself fall down onto the floor. I head a big thump, but it's too dark to see shit. My damned body is blocking the light from the window.

"Billie, are you okay?" I whisper worriedly.

"Just fine, no worries. Okay now you jump, I'll catch you" he assures me.

"What? No it's way too high, I can't just jump"

"C'mon, it's fine I got you"

I look down at the ground again, but I can barely see anything. I decide to just fuck it and let myself go. "Mkay, I'm coming" I warn Billie before I jump. I fall straight down, but soon feel two arms wrapped around my waist firmly. A ray of sunlight shines through the little window and lights up Billie's face. We're now so close that are noses are touching. My breath is hitching as I stare deeply into his green eyes, still with the protection of his arms that are wrapped around my waist.

Welcome to Paradise // Billie Joe Armstrong // #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now