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Mayas Pov
"We are now boarding, for the Chicago flight, I repeat we are now boarding for the Chicago flight" the airport lady says, I look at Gabriella and we get up from our nice comfy seats and start boarding the airplane. I look at my phone 5:00 am, "why do we have to fly so early" I ask, really cranky and tired "I don't know, but what I do know is that after this coffee, I'm gonna be right awake" Gabriella says taking a sip out of her Dunkin Dounuts cup. We went there in the airport, she getting coffee and I getting hot chocolate. I shrug and drink my hot drink. "Maya look" Gabriella says, I see her on snapchat wanting to take a picture, I smile and she takes it. "Okay ladies and gentlemen, I'm gonna have to ask you to turn off all phone please" the lady says, I groan and turn it off, Gabriella doing the same. "If u told me that Hunter and Brandon were coming then I wouldn't be here right now" I say leaning my head on the airplane seat. "I know that is why I didn't tell you" she says smiling, I roll my eyes and drift off into sleep.

"Maya! Maya! Wake up! Were landing" I hear Gabriella says as she shakes me, I flutter my eyes and sit up straight. "Were landing" she repeats, I smile at her and then look out the window. "Okay passengers, you can now turn on your phones, and we hope you had an amazing time riding this airline" the lady says, we get up and get our bags, "uh how are we getting to the hotel" I ask throwing my bag over me shoulder, "uber" she says and I groan, I hate ubers.

"Thanks, Kevin" Gabriella shouts as we get out of the car. We walk into the hotel and see Weston and Mario talking at the little food area "BOOS!" I yell running to them, they turn and starts running to me "oh my god, we missed u stranger" Mario says hugging me "Honey, yeah where were u" Weston says hugging me too, "I'll explain later" I say smiling, they nod and then hug Gabriella, "Did u guys check in" Mario ask, "nope" I say "and we should do that now" Gabriella says, and we walk to the checking desk, "Gabriella Lawley and Maya Daniels" I say, the lady looks at her computer and then smiles "yes, room 134, here is two room keys" she says giving us the keys, "thank u" me and Gabriella says. We walk back to Mario and Weston "guess who's checked in now bitches" I say "Still the same Maya" Weston says wrapping his arms around my shoulders "one and only" I say smiling "let's go and check out this hotel" Mario says "alright Lego" Gabriella says and we walk off.

"Dan" we say running to him, "Whatsup youngsters" he says hugging us "nothing how are u" I say, "alright" he says shrugging "we should go to the mall" Gabriella says "Is there even a mall by here" I say, "yeah right across the street, I saw it when we were pulling in" she says smiling "alright" I say and, me, Gabriella, Mario, Dan and Weston go to the mall.

"I need a new Hoverboard" Dan says "u already have one" Gabriella says, looking at him weirdly, "nah it broke" he says frowning, "how did it break" I say while laughing. "My mom got mad and threw it, and then it broke" he says, I start laughing more. "Alright, I'll meet u guys at the food court" he says walking the other direction. "I need more clothes" I say and start walking, "we should play a prank on the fans" Weston says, "how would we do that" Mario says, "Everytime a fan comes, we just ignore them and keep walking" Weston responds. "Oh okay" Mario says agreeing "I don't think that's a good idea" Gabriella says, they just shrug "okay let's do it" I say and we start walking. Not to long later, a fan approaches us "Omg Hi" she says and we keep walking. "Hello" she says again, Gabriella giggles and we keep walking "I'm a fan why are you guys ignoring me" she says, as she starts to cry. We all turn around "omg baby we love u too" Weston says bringing her into a hug. "Sweetie I'm so sorry" I say hugging her next, "it's okay, I'm just happy that this is actually happening" she says tearing up, Mario wipes her tears and hugs her and then Gabriella next.

"I love Taco Bell guys" I say biting my taco, "What u talking about McDonald's is the best" Mario says, eating his fries, I mock him then sneak some of his fries. "Hey" he says, I just smile. "Wasssup guys" Dan says sitting down, "got your Hoverboard" Gabriella asks, "they didn't have any so I got a penny board" he says showing us his orange penny board "Ewww what the fuck, why would u get orange" I say cringing a little. "I like orange" he says, I just roll my eyes and finish my tacos.

"Can we go into that Walmart" Weston says pointing to a Walmart two blocks away from the hotel. "Yeah sure" I say and we start walking. We walk inside and go to the food section like where else would we go. "We should do another prank" Weston says "no that mall prank was mean" Gabriella says, "this ones different, let's find a way to get kicked out" he says, I smile getting an idea, I grab Dan and pull him into another aisle. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD U CHEAT ON ME" I scream, and wink at him, he catches on and plays along "BABY PLEASE I LOVE U, I DIDNT MEAN IT!" He screams, "OBVIOUSLY U DONT IF U CHEATED ON ME!" I scream, a lady about in her late 30's came "can you guys please do this somewhere else or I'm going to have to kick you guys out" she says "I'm sorry mam" Dan says "WHAT U GONNA FUCK HER TOO" I scream, "okay u guys have to go" she says, I groan and walk out of the aisle. "WHY WONT U LET ME MAKE LOVE TO U" I hear Weston scream, I start laughing. "WESTON NOT HERE" Gabriella screams, "NO IM GOING TO DO IT HERE! I WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW HOW MUCH I WANNA MAKE LOVE TO U" Weston screams, the lady that kicked me and Dan out said the same to them, we all walk out and start laughing, "Oh my god" Mario say laughing, we all high each other and walk back to the hotel.


Hey guys I'm so sorry it took such a long time for me to update, but I hope u guys enjoyed!!! Thank you for reading, I'll try to update again this weekend, love you guys


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