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Its been about a month since i talk to Maya ever since I told her what happened.

I havent recieved a call, nor text and i have not done the same. I put on my coat as I walk outside. I was meeting Brandon at my local coffee shop. He wanted to talk.

I walk inside the shop and see him, i wave and he smiles. He stands up and hugs me and we sit down. "Hey." He says and i slight smile.

"Hows life been." I shrug, "Ive been going through therapy. I been told that im a alcoholic." His eyes wide and I shrug.

"How can you do that to yourself Gabriella." I sigh, "Ive just been depressed lately." He sighs. "Have you talked to Maya lately." I shake my head no. "When was the last time you guys talked." I sigh. "About a month ago." He furrows his eyebrows. "Is that longest you guys went without talking." I shake my head no.

"Well her and Hunter are engaged." I slight smile. "Well thats good for her." He nods. "Brandon it was nice talking to you but, i think i should go." He sighs and gives me hurt eyes. "Alright." I smile, before getting up, pushing my chair in and leaving.

I walk to the park that I sit at everyday. I sit on the swing, I swing my legs. I look around and see Maya, watching the twins go down the slide. Shit. Tristan saw me, "Auntie G." He says and starts running to me. I put on a smile and hug him.

"I missed you Auntie G." I smile, "I missed you too." I look and see Maya and Amelia walking my way. "Hi." I say to her and she smiles. "Hi." She breaths out.

I look at her hand and see the ring. "Long time no speak." I say and she nods. "I called and you didnt answer." She shrugs. "Are you just not talking." She sighs. "How about i take the twins home and we can talk tomorrow or something." I look down. "Tomorrow, okay." She nods and walks away holding the kids hand.

*Next Day*


"Are you really going to talk to her." I sigh and turn to Hunter. "Yes, she should have a chance to explain herself. I went a month without my best friend." He sighs. "Have fun." I smile and kiss him. "Plus, your not so innocent in this situation either." He groans and i smirk.

"Bye guys." I yell, "bye mommy." The twins say hugging my legs. I drive to Gabriella house, i dont know what im expecting right now.

I knock on the door and Gabriella answers smiling. "Hey." She says, I smile back. "Hi." I say, We sit at her island. "Your engaged." She says. I smile and nod. "Well congratulations." She says. "Thanks, but lets talk about you." She nods. "Well, Ive been diagnosed with depression and my therapist said i am a alcoholic." My eyes widen. "My god Gabriella, I didnt know." She starts tearing up.

I pull her into a hug. "Then you forgave Hunter and not me. It hurt Maya." I sigh and pat her back. "Its Okay, everything will be fine." She nods and wipes her tears and chuckles. I smile and chuckle.

"How about this, Tonight, we are going out and having fun." I say snd she smiles. "The club?." I shake my head no. "Anywhere the wind takes us." She nods. We sit on the couch and watch old spongebob episodes.

It was night and we hoped into the car and blast music, we were just driving, not knowing where we were going. We park the car and walk down the Hollywood walk of fame. "Chris brown." I scream. Gabriella rolls her eyes.

"Take a picture for me." I say and do a pose next to it, she rolls her eyes and takes the picture. "Justin Timberlake." I chuckle and she runs to his star. I take a picture of her.

We start walking down the street and a street performer starts dancing. We join the crowd and cheer him on. We start laughing and dancing along with him. He motioned us to join him and we did. We did the robot, the whip and other dances. "That was fun, thank you." He smiles and nods.

It was getting late but we didnt care. "Sir can you take a picture for us." He nods and i had him my phone. He takes the picture and it comes out kinda blurry but its cool.

*Picture Above*

"Thank you." He nods and walks away. "Im Hungry." Gabriella groans. "Me to bruh." I turn around and see a Chinese place. I motion that we go in there and she nods. We walk inside and order food.

We come back out and sit on the curve and eat. "This is fun." I nod, "You see, you dont have to drink to have fun." She rolls her eyes and nudges my shoulder. I nudge her back and laugh. I rest my head on her shoulder and she rest hers on my head.

"I need you, friend." She says and i smile. "I need you too, friend."


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, means alot. Thank you guys for reading. Love you guys. Update soon. Byeeeeeee

* Maya *

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