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*Gabriella's Pov*

"Are you going to tell me what happened" Justin asked as he drives straight ahead. We have been in the car with complete silence for a while and he is finally breaking the silence. I turn my head and look at him then sigh. "Me and Shawn broke up and it wasn't really the nicest break up" I say, a tear slips down my cheek as I remember all the hurtful things Shawn had said to me. Justin turns my way and see the tear streams coming down my face. He makes a sharp turn and then parks in some random parking lot. He looks at me and uses his hand to wipe my tears off my face. "Hey don't cry, it is going to be okay" He says and kisses my cheek, basically kissing the remanding tears away. "Relationships are hard" I say and chuckle a little bit, "Not all of them, sometimes you just have to find the right person" He says and smiles. I smile back and look at him. He leans in and so do I and soon enough we are kissing. He pulls away and smiles at me again, I turn my head and blush. "Hey don't turn away, your cute when you blush" He says and I turn back. "By any chance, you don't have a bathing suit on you" He says and I look at him weirdly, "No" I say with a giggle. "Well then lets go get you one" He says and starts driving again. "Why" I ask and he just smiles while driving.

We got the bathing suit and he made me change into it at the store before we started driving again. "Justin, where are we going" I ask for like the tenth time. "Like I said the other times you asked me, it is a surprise" He asks, I groan I really hate surprises. After a while we finally make it to the place. I look and see a big cliff, with water on the bottom, it was really beautiful. I step out the car and take it the view one more time. "This is beautiful Justin" I say still looking at the amazing sight in front of me. "I hoped you would like it" He says, smiling. "Come on" He says grabbing my hand and taking me to the cliff. I look down and see the beautiful blue water. I look and Justin and he looks at me. He jumps off the cliff and screams "I am the king of the world". He lands in the water and I cover my mouth laughing. "Your Crazy, Bieber" I shout down at him. "Being Crazy is a good thing, Jump down" He shouts back. I hold my nose and jump and scream before feeling the cool water on my body. "Its nice isn't it" He says swimming to me. I nod. The rest of the day consisted on swimming, laughing and a few kisses here and there. Sometimes you need days like this to take your mind off of the bad.

-2 Years Later-

*Maya's Pov*

I sit on my bed biting the skin of my thumb as I search for apartments on my laptop. I am 19 now and still live with my parents and they have been nagging me more and more about being more productive with my live. "MAYA" My mom yells, I sigh as I get off my bed and walk down the stairs. "Yes" I say, "Have you found a place yet" She asks, she was sitting at the dinning room table with my father at the other end, I mentally scream, they ask me this about 4 times a day. "No but I am looking" I say. My moms points to the chair next to her indicating for me to sit. "You know when--" My dad starts before I cut him off, "Yeah yeah , I know, you moved out when you were 18, I get it" I say, trying my best not to roll my eyes and keep in my attitude. My brother comes downstairs and grabs an apple, sitting at the table with us, "You see, your brother will be out before you know it" My dad says, I groan, "Chris is 12" I say. "But I am going to be a race car driver and make a lot of money" He says and I roll my eyes. "Sure you are" I say getting up. "Where are you going" my mom, "I am going to lunch with Gabi, Hunter , Weston, and Mario" I say. My mom rolls her eyes and my dad forms an annoyed faced. "What now" I ask. "All you care about are those people" My dad says. "I am sorry that I like to hang out with my friends and boyfriend" I say. My mom sighs, "That's not the point, the point is that you are always with them" She says, "They make me happy" I say. "So your family doesn't make you happy" my brother says. "Not all the time" I say before walking upstairs. I grab my phone, wallet and car keys. I put on a pair of converse and leave. I get in my car and put on the radio, listening to whatever song was on. Soon I was at the place, I park and got out of the car. I see my friends waiting outside. "Finally" Gabriella says before hugging me, I hug her back. I hug everyone else and kiss Hunter. We go inside and get a table. "What took you so long" Weston ask, I sigh. "My parents were nagging me about moving out" I say before taking a sip out of my drink. They all nod. "You are the only one still living with their parents" Mario says, "Don't remind me" I say. "Why don't you live with me " Hunter asks. I smile at him "You know I would love too, but my parents would rather me stay with them forever then me move in with a boy before marriage" I say and he pouts. "But I want you too though" he says. "hmm, Maybe" I say and he nods. We start talking more and more and soon we leave. "Want to stay the night at mines, I know your parents are being annoying" Hunter says and I nod, "Lets just stop at my house first so I can get some clothes" I say and he nods and smiles.

We make it to my house and me and him walk inside. "Maya" My mom says walking to the front door, "Oh Hi Hunter" she says and he smiles. "Hi, Mrs. Daniels" he says, "Are you staying over for dinner or something" She asks. "No Mom, I am staying over at his house tonight" I say, "Okay, just don't do anything that you will regret" She says. "Mom stop" I say and she chuckles and walk away. "She is crazy" I say and Hunter nods and chuckles. We walk upstairs and he sits on my bed as I pack my stuff. Someone knocks on the door and I scream come in, "What's up sis" Chris says walking into my room. "Hey Hunter" He says, "What's Up Buddy" Hunter says and they "bro fist" each other or whatever you call it. "What do you want Chris" I ask and he sits next to me. "Can I have 20 dollars" he asks and smiles. "What no, ask mom and dad" I say, "I already did and they said no" he says, I sigh. 'What do you need it for" I ask. "There is a dance and the tickets are 10 dollars and I want to bring this girl" He says, I sigh, I am a sucker for young love. I go in my back pocket and give him the money. "Thanks, Maya, your the best" He says hugging me. I hug him back "I know, I am the best at everything" I say. I look at hunter and he is smirking . "What" I say with a chuckle, he smirks more and I finally get the joke. I cover my mouth "Don't be dirty" I say throwing a pillow at him. He laughs and Chris looks at us, with a weird face. "Werido's" He says before walking out. I shrug and continue packing. When I am done I say goodbye to my family and we head to his house.

"Do you want Chinese or Pizza for dinner" Hunter says, I turn around and look at him. "Pizza sounds good" I say and he smiles, "Then pizza it is" He says and starts calling the place. He orders the pizza then sits next to me on the couch. "Hey guess what" He says, I turn my directions from the tv to him, "What" I say and smile, "I love you" he says, I flip my hair "Who doesn't love me" I say and he rolls his eyes, "I am just kidding, I love you too" I say and peck his cheek. Soon the pizza came and after eating it we started cuddling. "Why do you love The Incredibles so much" He asks as I rest my head on his chest. "Because the movie has super heros, it is funny, its just all time amazing and the best Disney Pixar movie ever" I say. He chuckles, "I am sorry but I have to disagree, the winner for best Disney Pixar movie would have to go to Toy Story" He says, I look at him like he is crazy, "Are you kidding me, Toy Story sucks" I say, "No it doesn't " he says, "Whatever" I say. "But wanna know what is the best movie ever" He says, "What" I say, "Your eyes, I can look into them all day" he says, I giggle, "Your so cheesy" I say, he shrugs before leaning in and kissing me. The kissing lead to other things and those other things lead to other things. Lets just say we didn't end up cuddling and debating about movies all night.

I wake up and get blinded by the sun. I close my eyes and slowly open them again, adjusting to the sun light. I sit up and wrap the covers around my bare body. I smile at the thought of last night, but soon my smile turns into a worry face when I think about last night. "Hunter" I say shaking him, he groans and turns the other direction. I shake him again, "What" he says in a raspy voice, "Did you use protection last night" I ask him, "Have whatever you want for breakfast" He says, I groan. "No I said, did you use protection last night" I say again. He sits up and his eyes widen, "Oh shit" He says and I run my hands through my hair from aggravation.


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, new one will be up some time this week. Thanks for reading. Love you guys. Byeeeee


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