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-4 months later-

*Maya's Pov*

I was sitting on the couch eating strawberries while I waited for 3 o clock to hit. I was five months pregnant now and today we are finding out the gender of the baby. I was really big for five months but that didn't really bother me. The only thing that id get on my nerves was the fact that I had to buy a lot of new clothes. "We are finding out the gender today" Hunter sang as he ran around the room, I laughed. "Why are you so excited" I say and he sat next to me out of breathe, "Because we are finding out the gender today" he says and smiles widely. "I want a boy" I say and he give me a weird look, "What" I say, "I thought you wanted a girl" he says, and I shake my head no, "Boys are easier to handle" I say, "Well I want a girl" he says, "That's so cute" I say and smile. "But I don't care, boy or girl I will still love it the same way" he says and rests his head gently on my stomach.

"Hello Maya" My doctor says as me and Hunter walk into the room. I smile at her, "Are you the father" she asks Hunter and he nods. "Okay, lay down" she says to me and I get on the chair thingy and lay down. she turns off the light and turns on the monitor, she puts this gel thingy on my stomach and rubs my stomach with this tool that I don't know the name of, I turn and look at Hunter and his eyes are wide while he watches the monitor and I smile. "Wow" The doctor says, I look at her with a worried face. "What, is everything alright" I ask and she nods and smiles, "Everything is fine" she says and smiles again. "Why did you say while then" I asks and she smiles again, this lady smiles a lot. "I said wow because you having twins, congratulations" she says and my eyes widen, "Im sorry but did you just say, twins" I say, she nods, "Yep, a boy and a girl" she says. I look at Hunter and he has the same expression as me. "You see" she says pointing to the monitor and I see two heads. "Would you like a picture" she asks and I nod. she gets a picture and turns off the monitor, she hands me a napkin and turns off the light, I wipe the gel off and hop off the chair. She hands me the picture, "Okay, your next appointment is is your eight month mark" she says and I nod. she smiles and walks out the room. "Twins" Hunter says, "Twins" I say, "We are going to have to save up" He says and I nod.

"I am really tired" I say as Hunter unlocks the front door, the lights are off and Hunter turns them off. "Congratulations" Everyone screams and scares me a little. I look and see all my friends and blue and pink balloons everywhere. "What How" I say and smile, Hunter smiles at me, "I texted them when we were in the doctor, we have been planning this for a while and because they don't know the gender, we just got blue and pink" he says, "That Is why you were dying to go to the mall" I say and he nods, "Okay so what is the gender" Gabriella screams and everyone else screams a yeah. "We are having twins, a boy and a girl" I say and everyone smiles. "I guess the blue and pink balloons were perfect then" Brandon says and I smile and nod. "We got you guys presents" Ariel says and claps. "But I don't understand, how did you get presents if you didn't know the gender" I ask, "The guys got boy clothes and us girls got girl clothes and we got other things" Gabriella says, "Well what if we were having one child or what if I was having boy and boy twins or girl and girl" I say, "That's why there is a thing called returning" Weston says, I shake my head "You guys are crazy, you didn't have to do this" I say, "Your one of our best friends, we did have to do this" Christy says and they all smile, "Come on sit, and open your presents" Makenzie says and practically pushes me to the couch. I open the present and we get really cute baby clothes. "Aww thank you guys, the clothes are adorable" I say and smile. "Okay there is more" Cameron says, "You guys" I say and the all smile widely. Came with two big presents. "Open them" Hayes says and Nash and Cameron put the presents in front of me, I look at Hunter, "open it" he says and I smile. I rip the wrapping paper and see a baby carrier, "Oh my god, thank you so much" I say, "Yeah now we have to buy another one" Hunter says chuckling, I open the other one and see a two baby stroller, I look up "How did you know" I say, "Carter bet that you were having kids, we said it was a one an a million chance but he says he can see the future and I guess he was right" Hayes says, I smile at Carter "Asians know best" he says and I laugh, the rest of the night consisted of us eating cake and talking and just having lowkey fun.

-2 week later-

Me, Hunter, Gabriella, Christy and Makenzie were currently at Home Depot, getting paint for the babies room. "What color is good for a girl and boy" I say as I look through the paint choses. "You should do one side blue and the other pink" Gabriella says, I shake my head no. "Light blue" Makenzie says, "Nah that's more for a baby boy room" I say, "Leave it white" Christy says, "Maybe" I say. "We should do white and like a mint light blue" I say looking at Hunter, "Whatever you want, but how would we do that" he says, "Like in a striped way" I say and the girls nod, "That would be cute" Gabriella says and the other girls agree. "Great, we will do that then" I say and pick up the paint. We pay for it and leave. "Brandon is coming over to help us paint the room" Hunter says and Gabriella eyes widen, "Does he have too" she says and Hunter nods. We get home Brandon is just pulling up. "Hi guys" Brandon says and we say hi well except for Gabriella, "Hi Gabriella" he says and she just slightly smiles and nods, we walk inside and into the room. we lay out these blanket thingys and Hunter and Brandon open up the paint. We all grab brushes and start painting. "Do you guys have furniture for the room" Makenzie asks, "We ordered them, they should be here soon." I say and she nods. After a couple of hours we finish painting the room and it looks pretty cool, I cant wait for the furniture to come so the room can be complete.

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