Chapter Two

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The pearly exterior of the Academy was visible from my position. I held onto the reigns of the Light Dragon, barely recognizing that we're moving.

I always felt... As if something was missing. A void in my thoughts. I should have questioned being accepted to Safine. I... I should have....

Being such a far distance from Twilight limited my magic supply. So I had to stay in my dress for the meantime. As we approached the large landing field, I felt my power returning.

I was in no mood to see any of them. Especially Cora. Before we fully landed, I leaped from Melody's back and rolled on to the grass with a thud. I look back at the ground I landed on. Damn, the grass is frosted over.

Get a control of yourself Alice. I nodded slightly and started walking towards the school, not looking back. Loosing control of my emotions at a time like this would help nothing.


I was thrown back by a huge blast of power. I landed flat on my back, the wind being knocked out of my lungs. I took a second and then looked up.

The scene before me was a horror. Students fighting students throughout the school. Trainers battling with intense ferocity like they're out to kill.

The blast that knocked me back was that of Emma Wilkson, the Fire Trainer. She was in her battle gear, her eyes ablaze. Her eyes... They were empty black marbles that gleamed with no sympathy.

I quickly got up and backed away down the open corridor and then broke into a run. Gotta find Cora. Gotta find Alex.

I repeated it several times, hoping that when I turned the corner, they would be there. And this time, one of them was.

"Alex!" I cried, throwing my arms around him. But his body was stiff and motionless. I took a step back and gasped. Black eyes, swelling with darkness. I held back a sob as he went to attack.

A water whip sped towards me and I put up a hand and froze it on contact and it shattered.

"Alex..." I sobbed, looking deep into his eyes for something. Anything.

Next was a jet of scolding hot water. I had to use the entire force of my body to stop and freeze it. I breathed heavily, still taking a step closer.

But this time, I didn't stop the attack, I just embraced it. If I'm gonna die, why not die at the hands of the one you love.

I let out a scream and toppled to the ground, I felt like I was bleeding but I couldn't be sure. I laid on the ground, not bothering to move.

"Wonderland!" And the voice was not Alex....

§ § §

"I think she's waking up! Everyone clear some room!"

I felt weaker than ever, barely able to move. It took effort to open my eyes. But I managed and looked around the room.

I was in the hospital wing, which was quite full at the moment. Many students half conscious on the many beds. I turned my head with great difficulty. There was someone at my bedside, tears in her blue eyes.


Cora's POV
3 hours earlier...

Cynthia, she's my saviour and how could I ever deny it. Somehow... Somehow Cynthia the Crystal dragon broke me free from my curse.

I swear when I woke up, I saw a lone shadow scurry away as I came to. Contact with my dragon brought me back from the almost dead.

So I thought it ought to be time to do the same for everyone else.

"Ready?" I asked, looking up at Cyndy. My position was not ideal. Atop the dragon dome, there was a large hatch for emergency evacuation. The wind from the mountains blew my auburn hair into knots as I secured the dragon's ropes.

I took a deep breath. Trust her, trust yourself. I got a running start and took a leap of faith from the dome.

There was a moment where I felt nothing, everything moving painfully slow. But it came up to speed when I collided with Cyndy's saddle. I clambered up to the reigns and took some gulps of air.

"Go!" I signalled and the dragon began to fly away from the dome. The ropes attached to her saddle and the evacuation door went taut as she pulled.

The sounds of creaking metal came and mercifully, the door slowly but surely squeaked open. I pumped my fist in air.

"Cmon Cynthia! Almost there!" The door finally fully opened, the door letting out a loud clang.

"Cmon! Everyone! Your riders are in trouble!" I called but to no avail. I took a deep breath, the crystal necklace around my neck glowed softly.

"Attention all dragons!" My voice was now amplified as I called out. "Your riders are in trouble and they need your help!"

I looked down into the huge enclosure and saw that I had a couple attentions.

"Please! Go and find them! They need you to be free." I took a moment, watching in awe.

One by one, each dragon spread their wings in a beautiful canopy of colour. They all took off and out the hatch. Creating a rainbow of wings in the sky. 

§ § §

I quickly explained it all to Alice, catching my breath when I finish. She doesn't react at first but then pulled the sheets back, her feet hitting the floor.

"Whoa! Where are you going?" I demand, trying to push her back into the bed. But she shoved me off and began tying the laces of her boots.

Alice stood up, obviously in pain. "You need to stay and rest." I said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

She shrugged me off and pulled her cloak over her shoulders. "I need to do this..." She said softly.

"But-" I started but she quickly turned around, I've never seen her like this.

"I need to do this!" She screamed, her eyes filled with an intense anger. She ran out, her cloak fluttering behind her.

I couldn't help but notice the hues in her cloak. I swore I've seen them before. The black to grey to white.

The docks...

I sat on the bed, something tightening in my stomach. Was it really Alice all those years ago?

Alice obviously knows something I don't.

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