Chapter Nine

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I could remember meeting Alice like it was yesterday. It was such a brief and meaningless exchange, just a quick introduction between roommates. But, I'll take any memory I can get these days.

"Look up, Miss."

I did as the maid instructed, gazing up at her. She applied a light makeup to my cheeks, prepping me for the public. The dress she had selected for me was a deep midnight blue silk, it cut off just under my knees and flared out at my hip. It was sleeveless and the back was made out a grey lace. My maids may have impeccable fashion sense, but was all this really necessary. The one maid behind me had put my brown hair up into a simple high ponytail, Maryanne was her name.

I turned to look at myself in the tall mirror. Even if the person staring back at me is Cora August, it sure didn't feel like it. The same dark brown hair and deep blue eyes, the same height, same body type, but these clothes were not me. The maids had attempted to cover up the bags under my eyes with makeup, I guess it helped some.

"All done, my Lady." Maryanne said and curtsied with the other two. They go to leave, but the Head Maid stopped.

"And Happy Birthday."

Happy birthday indeed....

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Most celebrations of these kinds were used as a way to show they're the best, that they have the most money and the most style. My seventeenth birthday party was no different.

I clutched the pink diamond that belonged to my mother. I've worn it everyday since I came back home. No, not home, to this decorated cage. The precious stone kept me anchored to this moment, so I wouldn't float away along with my wits.

I made my way down the staircase, making the turn and trying not to trip on my heeled shoes. I felt all eyes boring into my skin, making me flush. I wasn't used to this much attention. And the eyes of nobility were always judging, sizing you up.

The amount of Suitors in the room was overwhelming. Men climbing over each other for a chance at the future Queen. In most cases, it would have been my parents that became King and Queen. But, with my father getting older everyday and my mother gone, the council decided that since I had returned, I was next in line. That is; if I show enough potential to be the leader of an entire Kingdom.

I was trying to relax, I put on a pretty face and started making idle chat with the Nobility. Although I tried to stay off the subject of me finding a husband, it kept coming up.

"Cora! Have you met my nephew? Xavier, come here." Lady March called as I approached. I sighed, here we go again. I knew I would have to find someone eventually, but today was my birthday, didn't I deserve a break?

Xavier was about a year older than me. Charcoal black hair styled to perfection and burning amber eyes. I had met many attractive Lords and Heirs over the years, this one was probably the best yet. I could easily read his character as her strode over, glass of champagne in hand.

"Lady Cora, what a pleasure." He gently took my hand, bringing it to his lips.

"The pleasure is all mine." I said through a fake smile.

"If you don't mind, could we speak for a moment?" He inquired, keeping his charming smile.

I was reluctant, what could he possibly have to talk to me about? But could I really say no?

"Yes, of course." I complied through gritted teeth.

He placed his hand on my back between my shoulder blades. He gently lead me through the crowds and into an unoccupied corridor, beneath the second floor balcony.

As soon as we were alone, the charming smile disappears, but he did look much more relaxed now.

"I do apologize about that." He mumbled, taking a step away from me.

I was seriously confused about his actions. "What do you want exactly?"

"I'm here to strike a deal." He said, gaining a bit of his confidence again.

"And what might that be?" I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued.

"Our parents plan for us to be engaged, and I don't expect you to be necessarily happy about that. I don't expect you to love me, or even like me for that matter. But, we both don't want to be married in such a way, correct? So, here's my proposition, we do everything in our power to make sure it doesn't turn out that way. And who knows, maybe we end up falling for each other, Lady Cora."

I considered his words for a couple moments. He seemed decent enough, I didn't think I would hate him. Even if our sabotage doesn't work, could I learn to love him? Well, I guess I would have to find out.

I put out my hand and gave him my first genuine smile of the night. "We have a deal, Lord Xavier."

He took a moment to register that I actually agreed. He shook my hand enthusiastically. "Till next time then, Cora." He leaned over and brushed his lips to my cheek, his breath warm on my ear. "And try not to submit to my charms too easily, love, it will ruin the game," he breathed.

His words sent shivers down my spine, but not necessarily bad ones. What had I gotten myself into?

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