Chapter Four

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The Drákon Tournament was the event of the generation, they only take place every five years. This year, Safine is the host and the Arena is finally being put to use. The Arena is rarely used for training, except for training the fifth years.

How it all works is that the 3 schools gather at the hosts arena for a month. It's first divided into ranks and years and after the champions of each year are found, they start with the battles between years in each school. This goes on for quite a while before the Champion Fighter Team of each school is brought to fight in the final battle royal. There are 5 members on each school team. No one knows how the finals will play out or what kind of playing field it was, it's a complete mystery.

No one under fourth year has every made it to the finals at Safine, maybe that's why they haven't lost in 4 years. First years aren't even allowed to participate.

"Cora, are you alright?" I looked up to see Alice standing over me. I was sitting the grass, text books spread out around me and the tree. I was studying hard for this tournament, most think it's just fighting well, but it's so much more than that.

"Yeah, I'm fine. How are you doing?" I asked, not looking up from my crystal hand book. She sat in front of me and my books, glancing at some of them.

"Yes. Just a little stressed. I feel like they're all watching me." Alice said, looking around the centre section of the dome by the fountain.

The grassy area in the dome was teeming with Trainers from all three schools. We were forced to wear our school emblem somewhere on their clothes at all time during with tournament.

The Safine emblem had a tower made of glittering glass, framed by a crescent moon with a sun in the centre.

The Zelainia emblem was a twisting tree that had all four seasons represented.

The Regena emblem was a mountain in front of a night sky.

I had my emblem was on my shirt at my hip and Alice had her's on her jacket sleeve.

"I know what you mean." I said and sighed. The placement exam had taken place yesterday and everyone had their eyes on Alice, she ranked 4th in the entire school and everyone was taking notice that a third year was so high ranked.

"I should get going, I'm meeting someone in the Fall Forest." She was trying her best not to look excited but was doing a bad job as she fixed her braid and unbuttoned her puffed sleeve jacket. She seemed to be always wearing dresses now, even in the cold weather. "I'll catch up with you later."

I smirked and looked up at her. "Who's your hot date?" I joked.

"Pshhh. What? No. I just broke up with Alex two weeks ago. God." She sputtered, growing increasingly red. "I am leaving now." She quickly walked away and into the multicoloured leaved trees of the Fall Forest.

I just laughed and returned to my books.


I heard some footsteps crunch on the leaves nearby and saw Alice come out of the trees and grin and couldn't help but return it.

"Alright, what'd you want to do?" She asked, standing in front of me.

"Well, I wanted you to meet someone." I waved up at the sky and heard a roar from above. A dragon of blue, black and purple lowered itself to the ground. It was quite the large breed for Regena. The dragon waddled towards me with a bounce in its step. I pat it's head and looked over at Alice.

"Oh my goodness! Isn't she the cutest Crystal Night dragon I've ever seen!" She exclaimed and ran up to her with a grin.

"Wait-!" She was usually quite hostile towards strangers but it was too late. But what I saw next was surprising. Alice was petting the dragon's snout and instead of snapping at her, the dragon pushed into her touch.

"I've always had quite a way with Dragons, since I was little actually. What's her name?" She cooed, being sure to keep her voice calm.

I smirked. She really was quite the student. She was easily able to identify her species and gender and she could easily interact with my dragon. "Stella."

"Well, I think she's absolutely the sweetest. Actually, you should meet a friend of mine." She let out a high pitched whistle and it was silent for a couple moments before I heard a dragon coming close.

"Twilight! Down here!" She called and Glittering Ice Dragon touched down a couple feet away.

"Hey, Alice. What's-" Twilight stopped short when the dragon saw me.

"Your dragon talks?" I asked, eyes wide. I knew some species did speak, but I wasn't expecting her's to.

"She doesn't talk much usually. Twilight, this is my friend Jack. Jack, this is Twi." She said with a smile as she gestured between us.

"Hi..." I said quietly. At least this explains why Alice always so cold and winter doesn't faze her.

"How about we-" She started but was cut off by an announcement booming through out the dome.

"All students participating in The Drákon Tournament, please report to the Arena. All students participating in the Drákon Tournament, please report to the Arena."

"Never mind then! I guess our time has come." She exclaimed and gestured for Twilight to kneel down.

I looked up and saw the top of the dome creaking open and dragons taking off towards the arena. I also got on my dragon and gazed over at Alice before she took off. "Don't get knocked out before I can fight you."

"I should say the same to you!" She called as she took off in a gust of cold wind. I watched her until she disappeared out of the dome and then followed.


A/N: I'm quite proud of myself. Two chapters in two days!

Who'd you like better? Alex or Jack?
Just curious, I haven't even decided yet.

Thanks for all your support!

Hugs and kisses

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