Chapter Seven

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"Married??" I demanded, suddenly standing up. "I've known Cora for two years, and she never thought to mention that she was once engaged to you??"

Jack looked a little taken aback by my outburst and stood up next to me. "I wouldn't have expected her to mention it. We were never officially engaged, there was no ring or anything. We were just meant for an arranged marriage when we came of age. But, she ran away before any of that happened. And I expect that her father will be coming for her soon."

I feel against the tree behind me, processing what he just said. I realized that she was a run away from a noble blood family. She had told me at the beginning of our second year. But why did she never bother to tell me that she was supposed to get married, especially to Jack....

"I didn't tell her we were here tonight... She knows we're friends but..." I looked up at him, heat rushing to my cheeks. "Sorry, but I've got to go. It's not anything you said, I've just got to do something." I started to walk away.

"Wait, Alice..."

But, I was already too far gone to respond.

§ § §

I burst into our dorm room, not bothering with the lights. Cora's side of the room was bare, only her bed spread remained, perfectly made, which was strange for her. Her dresser and nightstand had been emptied, and her dresser was left hanging open, the wood bare. I didn't bother closing the door, letting the light from the hallway flood into the dorm room.

Sitting on the floral blanket, was a folded piece of parchment, my name written on it in her perfect swooping handwriting. I fell to my knees in front of the bed, picking up the note.

Dear Alice,

My father has come for me at last. I knew this day would come, and I'm sorry we couldn't have a proper goodbye. I'm sure you've found out about Jack and I, I am sorry for not telling you sooner. You were my first real friend, and I didn't want to ruin that by making things tense between us, just because of this silly thing we call the past. I've come to a conclusion, life sucks. Why did I have to born a noble blood? Why couldn't I have been born into a normal family and gone to Safine like you? Can you do me a favor though? Tell Cyndy I'm sorry that I had to leave her.

With me becoming older everyday, I can't out run what I was born into forever. I know things may look grim. But, I'm going to tell you a secret; It's going to better. I'm sure of it. You forget about me and go become the best fighter this world has ever seen. You can do it, even without me. Even though your life will be pretty boring without me. Good luck with that. But, who knows, maybe we'll see each again, that's up to the universe.

Cora (The next Royal Princess of Northsage)

P.S. Talk to Marina when you need me enough to risk everything...

I hadn't realized I was crying until I touched by cheek and it came back wet. I looked down at the blanket below me, sitting on the fabric was Cora's headpiece, the one with her power gem embedded in it. I slowly picked it up, my breathing jagged. I slipped it on to my head, touching the stone resting on my forehead.

"I'm doing this, for you, Cora." And the stone began to glow.


I watched the white stone of Safine disappear, holding back my tears. I felt weird not having the soft feeling of my pendant against my forehead.

"Lady Cora, you need to forget about those little friends of yours. You need to resume your Royal training." Said the escort sitting across from me in the plush carriage.

"Yes, of course." And oddly enough, he was right. I needed to remember why I was doing this. That if I stayed, I would just get in their way. I had my reasons and I had to remember them.

"Goodbye... Alice..." I whispered under my breath.

But, deep down I knew, this wasn't the end.


Hey Readers!

I just wanted to tell you that I am still taking applications for the new character to participate on the Safine team for the battle royal! Just message me your character Bios!


I just wanted to add this, because it's getting a little bit annoying. YES, I am still writing this story. YES, there will be more chapters. I've got a life outside writing, and I do love this book and I'm glad you guys do too, it's just taking a while. If the story was over, there would be an END OF BOOK TWO at the end, so that's when you'll know. I am currently also working on another project with friends, so that's getting in the way too.

ALRIGHT. So that's my little rant of the day, so please don't ask anymore. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

- Jlaicecream

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