Chapter Ten

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Dear Alice,

I am sending you this letter to thank you for the present you sent to me for my birthday. The dragon scales in the pendant were obviously from Cynthia and I thank you for the time and detail put into it.

Now that that awful formal stuff is out of the way, let us get to the real reason I'm writing to you. I miss you.

I know this is a risky move, writing you a letter while security is so tight at Safine, but I thought it worth the risk. What would they do to me anyway? Throw me in jail? Yeah right.

How are things? I know that's a cliché question, but I'm genuinely curious. I heard you're doing well in the tournament. I'm glad.

I just bet it's because of that crystal. I'm happy you now know just how awesome I was. The crystal is difficult to control, I know this better than anyone, but I had no doubt in my mind that you could manage it.

I ran into Jack the other day. There was a meeting at the council building where all the noble houses had to attend. I guess Jack's father dragged him there because he's going to be the next head of the family.

HEY! Did you know Jack had a sister? She was quite a bit older than him. He told me that she ran away from home when he was young. They have no idea where she is or if she's even alive.

Maybe you could ask him? We could be the gossip tag team we used to be. That would be nice.

I don't want to get too lengthy with my letter. Don't want to draw attention to myself. I do that everyday anyway with these showstopper outfits!!!

Cora August

Dear Cora,

I honestly hurtled first years in order to get your letter. They called out my name in the common room, and when I asked who it was from they said someone with the last name of August. I leaped a couch for you Cora, you better be proud.

I'm glad that you liked the necklace. It took a bit to get the scales from Cyndy. But as soon as I caved and told her who they were for, she immediately gave me some.

On the note of the tournament. It is going well enough. We're into the final ranks, and I can guess who's gonna make it to the end. Jade Anderson has been climbing the ranks, I'm not so sure how well that's going to go.

You remember what happened between us right? We weren't super close yet and we were just getting into the rhythm of thing at Safine? Even if you do remember, I want to tell you a story, I know you love them...

It was on that day in first year that was almost on the level of a hurricane. You and me kept to ourselves in the library, reading books, becoming closer by the minute. Then came Jade...

The over-confident first year who thought she was Queen Bee in the beginning. She saw us huddled in the corner, called us outcast, and insisted we could barely fight.

That's when I pushed a bookcase over on her and ran like hell. I still laugh when I think about it.

And about Jack's sister, I knew. But I never asked about it. Maybe I should. I'll see if I have time this week. I have maybe one or two rank fights left until the announcement next Friday!

Wish me luck!

Hate to love you,
Alice Cassidy

Dear Alice,

I am incredibly proud of the feat you completed. Hurtling first years is no easy task. If I had the power at the moment, I would knight you.

Speaking of which, my coronation is after the tournament. So at least that's good. I won't have to worry about Royal duties for awhile. I'm going to be a Princess. Why do they think it's a wise decision to make me Royalty?

Of course I remember Jade and that little incident. She hated us after that. I'm guessing she still does. I can't picture you to on the same team during the final round, and I bet that's why it's bound to happen.

I wish I was there to watch. I've tried to convince my father of several occasions to let me watch of some the tournament matches, but he always says it's a distraction. If only I could sigh on paper.

I hope Cyndy it's too upset. I know I left so abruptly and didn't even get to say goodbye... Okay, no, this is not the time for this. Send her my regards and tell her I miss her everyday.

I meant to ask in my first letter, did something happen between you and Jack? Because when I talk to him a week ago, he got really flustered when I asked how you were. Maybe I'm just imagining things.

But if I'm not, and you're not telling me something. I can have you thrown into jail! I'm sure I can have it arranged! Fear me, Cassidy.

Oh, and I have a little news of my own. I'm engaged. Okay, huge news. But not really. I'm not even officially, but it's supposed to happen, and soon.

His name is Xavier March. He's okay, I guess... I would despise being married to him I suppose... I'm getting carried away again, we're not even engaged yet.

Xavier has been keeping me up to date on what been happening in the Noble Blood community for the last three years. And oh my word, Nobles are dramatic.

Did you know that young Lady April has been having an affair with a common blood? And that Lord February might be getting a divorce? Oh, and I've also learned that there's has been actual arguments about which family I should be married off to.

It's just all too much. It was so much easier when I was younger. I didn't realize how over dramatic they can be when I was 14.

My letter is getting lengthy again, sorry. I'll cut it off now. Write back soon! These are always the highlights of my Noble life.

Love to hate you,
Cora August

Dear Cora,

Snow Drop Park. Thursday at Midnight. Don't be seen.

Alice Cassidy

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