Chapter Eight

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"And the winner is, Alice Cassidy!"

The crowd roared as Alice's opponent taken out of the arena. What had just happened? She had just won that fight too quickly. Her moves were too fast, her blows too powerful. Alice was a powerful fighter, don't get me wrong. But right now she was on the level of the senior classes.

As soon as she disappeared into the side of the arena, I went looking for her. But, ran into Marina.

"Have you seen Alice?" We asked in unison.

We both looked equally surprised.

"Why are you looking for Alice?" I questioned.

"Why are you? I wasn't aware that you two were even still friends." She snapped and started to walk away.

"We're not, I mean- We are.... It's complicated." But Marina had disappeared around the corner.


"What did I tell you about fights?" A voice demanded from behind me.

"That I shouldn't over express my power, I know." I said in return, not turning to look at the girl behind me.

"Well you did a bang up job of doing that." She said sarcastically.

Marina July had managed to become a sort of friend of mine. On second thought, maybe not a friend, just a comrade. She was a good card to have in my deck at the moment. Plus, I think Cora had made some kind of deal with her, so she would look after me. At first I was annoyed by it, but I've learned to appreciate her company. "It's not my fault that Cora had too much power at her control, that I all of a sudden have to control and suppress."

Marina sighed and came up in front of me. We were standing in the indoor training room. The large structure made our voices echo around. The floor was a soft material that was meant to cushion falls, the soles of my bare feet molded into the mat like floor. There was a rock climbing wall, beside that was a line of targets of varying sizes. The ceilings were high and made of a thick glass, letting in the afternoon light from above. The walls were made of a magic resistant stone, it also blocked out most sound, yet, I could still hear the boom from the stadium.

"I understand that unknown power such as Cora's can be difficult to control. But, I know you can do it, you've just got to concentrate," Marina said, her dark eyes suddenly serious. "Just try not to kill anyone."

She started sauntering away with a light smile. I laughed quietly, sighing and leaning against the balancing beam I was standing next to.

"Since when have you been so wise?" I teased as she walked away.

"Longer than you might think." She responded, still making her way across the gym.

"How old are you, Marina?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"In this body? Fifteen. In total, I haven't got the faintest idea." She said with a wink as she swung a left out the wide doorway and out of the room.

I honestly couldn't tell if she was joking or not.

§ § §

So I'm left without a roommate. The School is aware of this and couldn't care less. So, I kept the room to myself. Spending the summer evenings of my third year alone in my room. I went to classes and matches, and that was about it.

I made the occasional visit to the Dome, but that was always after hours. I became a sort of ghost around the school. Showing up to my matches, winning, and then disappearing. I knew there were rumours going around, but let them talk. They don't know who I am.

Tonight, I sat on my dorm balcony, gazing up at the stars. I loved studying the stars. I loved learning the stories of every constellation. Plus, they were always so beautiful.

I had Cora's floral quilt wrapped around my body, it still smelled a little like her perfume. The cool stone beneath me helped with the humid air around. I leaned against the brick wall of the dorm hall behind me, resting my head back to gaze at the stars.

Our– I mean my dorm was on the third floor, so there was no trees or anything blocking my view of the twinkling stars above. This small balcony had become my haven.

I began to cry. Why did I always do this? I would tell myself I'm fine, that I don't need Cora. That I can survive on my own. But I can't. Cora was the one person that was always there. She was the one person that truly accepted me for me. I just–

"Why do we always seem to meet like this?"

I jumped at the voice, my breathing hitched as I realized who it was. I wiped the tears from my face with the soft fabric of the quilt, trying to steady my shaky breathing.

"Jack, I don't think that this is really a good time..," I breathed, not even bothering to look up at him standing in the door way.

"That's just too bad. I think you need a friend right now." He said softly and plopped down next to me, shoulder to shoulder.

I pulled the quilt tighter around my body, sighing in defeat. "What do you want?" I questioned.

"Nothing in particular. I just thought crying with me would be better than with the stars." He suggested, gazing upwards.

"I think I prefer the stars." I joked half-heartedly, nudging the blonde slightly with my elbow.

"I suppose they are a lot brighter." He added. I watched the corner of his mouth twitch, trying to not to smile at his own joke.

I laughed, giving up at resisting his attempts at amusing me. "You think you're a real comedian, don't-"

His lips were on mine, hot and pressing, willing me to respond. It took me a moment. Kissing Jack was different then Alex. While Alex's kissed made me feel like I was beautiful, Jack was just all passion. And I could help but return his with the full force of mine.

I brought my hands out from the blanket, repositioning myself so I could wrap my arms around the back of his neck. I pushed back on him and responded with wrapping his hands around my waist.

Somehow I felt like I was betraying Cora. I was betraying my purpose, what I was here to do. I was betraying Marina and everyone else that was counting on me. I felt that I had to admit to myself that this was wrong.

But not yet.

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