Chapter Three

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Alex's POV

Oh god, why does the world hate me? It's a valid question at this point. I was told what I did, what I did to Alice. I needed to find her.

God did my head hurt, but I kept going, heading towards the hospital wing. I rounded to corner and saw a flash of white from the corner of my eye.

"Hey! Alice!" I called after her and grabbed on to her wrist. When she turned around, her eyes were black as night and void of feeling...

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I woke in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. What the heck was that?

"Alex, snap out of it."

I blinked a couple times and my foggy vision cleared.

"Alice... I'm so glad you're okay." She really didn't look okay, she had dark circles under her grey eyes and she just looked exhausted.

"Alex, I really need to talk to you about something. It's about us..." She said softly, looking down at our now intertwined fingers.

"About that." I grabbed the front of her cloak and smashed her lips to mine. I had kissed her before, plenty of times, but this felt different, and not in a good way. I pulled away to see her eyes were apologetic.

"We need to break up."


He wasn't upset really. He didn't cry or anything, but his eyes said it all. I couldn't face him one more second.

I shut the door of his dorm room behind me and took a deep, shaky breath. I looked up and saw Alex's roommate coming down the hall and wiped away the tears that had made their way to my cheeks.

I started to walked away but he called after me. "Hey! Alice! I'm glad you're walking around again!"

But I didn't turn around, I couldn't. I was the ugliest crier you will ever see. My eyes get all red and puffy, face gets all blotchy and I hiccup like crazy.

I made my way out of the boy's dorm building and out into the courtyard between the two buildings. It was a clear night, a light breeze went through my hair and made my cloak sway. I had my white hair half up and tied back with a jewelled clip. My hair was always a bit wavy. I had let it grow out over the last two years, stopping at the small of my back.

I made sure the courtyard was empty and kneeled in front of the bubbling fountain in the centre. The water was reflecting the night sky perfectly, it was a full moon tonight. How long had I been asleep?

I looked down at my reflection and gave myself a sad smile. Was this face really my own? How could I really know? How much of my life is fake? I saw a couple ripples in the water from my tears.

"Who's there?" I called out, quickly looking up from the water. The courtyard appeared empty but then I spotted a shadow in the breezeway.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Said a voice. Then he came out of the shadows and into the moonlight.

He was quite angelic looking, really. Blond hair and piercing green eyes. He had handsome features that made me try and make myself presentable.

Jack's Point of View

I wasn't really sure how I made it out here. I just felt like going for a walk. With the tournament coming up, I always felt quite restless. The trip from Regena was a long one but I wasn't tired yet.

I came to small courtyard between the Safine dorm buildings and thought I was alone for a moment before I saw someone by the fountain.

She was beautiful– No, stunning. Her hair looked like it was made out of moonlight itself and her big grey eyes looked full of sorrow. Her lips were a natural red colour and her skin was pale of clear of any freckles or blemishes. I couldn't help but stare and wonder if she was a student.

"Who's there?" She called in my direction and I smirked. She must be quite the student to be able to sense my presence that easily.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I said as I came out of hiding.

She looked me up and down for a moment before standing up and flattening her floor length cloak with her hands. "It's fine," She said softly. "I should get going..."

She started to walk away but I grabbed her wrist. She winced and pulled away, showing a bandage around her arm from wrist to elbow. "Oh! You're hurt, I'm sorry. Might I ask what happened?" I inquired, feeling bad for not seeing she was injured earlier.

"I got attacked during the incident a couple days ago with Scarlett Davis. It's nothing though, I'm okay." She said, finally looking me in the eye.

I heard about that. She must be a student in order to there for that. "I'm Jack by the way." I put out my hand with a grin, trying to change the conversation topic.

The girl reluctantly shook my hand. "I'm Alice. I've never seen you around here before, Jack." Her hand was wicked cold, so I pulled away, trying my best not to be rude.

"I'm here for the Drákon Tournament. Are you participating?" I asked. I did honestly want to know if I would see Alice in the near future.

"I am now the top ranked third year in Safine, so I would assume so." She laughed lightly as if it was nothing.

Being top ranked in your year is quite the feat. I'm a fifth year at Regina and only ranked third. To be fair, the top spots do belong to members of the August Family.

"I think I'm going to head to sleep myself. It was nice meeting you though." Alice gave me a genuine smile. The shinning necklace round her neck signified her status as a Fighter. The stone was cold blue. She walked away and I headed back towards the guest dorms. She was wearing a sun dress underneath that cloak and it was almost winter, what a strange girl.

If this girl was so cold, why did she make me feel so warm inside....

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