Chapter Fourteen

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"Hey, Rejina." I turned to respond to the voice. "Where should we bring these?" The Safine student questioned, holding up a vase of white roses.

"On one of the tables without a center piece. I'm pretty sure there's an empty one by the stage," I said, waving my hand lazily in that direction across the ballroom and the girl headed in that direction.

I don't know how I ended being on the committee for the ball, but I suppose I wanted it to be perfect. It would be perfect. I was sure of it. I would make sure of it.

A letter finding its way under the door of my dorm had brought me back to reality after I was told Alice already found herself a date. I had decided to go with Marina, she was a good friend after all, and we both knew that we couldn't ruin our images by going alone.

When the finishing touches were complete, it was just in time. The masquerade was to start in just a couple hours and I was just leaving the main building towards the temporary Rejina dorms.

The moon was bright and full, casting shadows around the courtyard. There was a light breeze flowing through the buildings, blowing the flowers in the gardens. There was a slight chill in the air, summer was coming to a close. Along with the Drakon Festival. Tomorrow, fate would take over. 

A soft small hand grabbed my wrist and tugged me into the shadows, the person suprisingly strong for their size. "Marina?" I squinted in the shadows of the Safine dorm building.

Her dark eyes were wide, filled with a panic that I had never seen before. Her hair was left down, reaching down to her upper thighs in a curtain of ebony. She still grasped my wrist, her grip tightening.

"What's wrong with you?" I questioned, slightly concerned. I'd never seen the Princess like this before.

She chewed on her lip, which I noticed only had red lip stick applied to her bottom lip. "I saw something."

I shifted to serious, my jaw going slack. "Marina, what did you see?" Marina was more powerful, too powerful for a little girl. People often forgot that. One ability had been kept a close kept secret for years. An ability passed down through the July bloodline. Marina was a seer.

"It was a blur of colour and roses. Light and shadow. Then it all went cold... And scarlet red. Like blood." She shook her head. "Whatever it was, it was dark..." She glared at me, as if she was contemplating her next words. "There's something I've been keeping from you, Jackson."


The dress arrived just on time, in a black dress box, along with several other smaller boxes. I thanked the servant from the July household that delivered them. And as soon as he had left, I sprinted across my dorm, my bare feet slapping on the hardwood floors. I leapt onto the bed, sitting cross legged in my overalls.

I untied the ribbon bounding the largest box closed and threw it open with glee. Inside was the most beautiful piece of clothing I've ever seen.

I carefully lifted it out of the box, barely grasping it in fear that it would fall apart right there and then. It was primarily a white colour, the skirt made of a light flowing fabric that was the perfect length to only graze the floor when I wore it. There were golden beads and embroidery, dripping down the skirt, looking like small leaves. It reminded me of frost creeping down. After the small poof at the waist, the gold lace continued up the bodice in swirling patterns. It was strapless with a sweetheart neckline, the bodice had much more embroidery.

It was amazing. The royal tailors could work magic I tell you. I had to wonder what it took to work for the royal family. Cora would know.

I gently laid the dress back in the box and moved on the second largest. My guess was shoes. I pried open the box, wincing at the sight of the shoes. They were, of course, gorgeous. But high heels? How did Marina even fight in these? They were simple golden closed toe heels, dotted with small jewels. I would be lucky if I didn't trip and face plant.

I pulled out one of the smaller boxes, sliding it open and smiling. The mask was similar to the gold embroidery of the dress, but made of metal instead, the small leaves shining in the mini chandeliers light. There were several small pearly gems imbedded in it. I brought the masquerade mask closer to my face the examine it better.

No way. Was this honestly real gold? Pearls too? What was I supposed to do with these? This was the most expensive thing I've ever held. At least I thoughts so, until I opened the remaining boxes. Jewelry, pearls, diamonds, gold and silver. Why on earth was I given such things just for a silly school ball?

Before I could marvel the items any longer, there was a knock on the door. I sighed and pushed off the bed, walking over to the door, swinging it open.

Before me was a girl, but her face was hidden by the stacks of boxes in her arms as she pushed past me and towards Cora's bed.

"Um, excuse me?" I was utterly confused. "Who are you?"

The girl plopped all the boxes onto Cora's bed and dusted off her hands. "C'mon Alice." I fell to my knees with a gasp, my hands clasped over my mouth. "Don't you recognize your own roommate," she said smugly.

The girl turned. Her dark hair, deep blue eyes, slightly tanned skin and high cheekbones. Her outfit was an noble blood casual dress.

Before I could observe anything else, I enveloped Cora in a hug, letting out a sob. "What are you doing here?" I demanded suddenly, grasping her shoulders to look into her eyes.

"Going with my best friend to a masquerade ball, of course. As if I would miss this," she said and stepped out of my embrace, turning to the boxes on the bed.

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