Chapter Five

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The roar of the crowd was amazing. All three schools, Rejina, Zelainia and Safine, all in one stadium. The cheers made my blood sing, ready for anything.

I didn't know if I was going to fight today. I think they were going to get all the lower ranked kids out of the way first.

The Placement Test that we took was meant to give you an idea of where you're standing right now. It was kinda like a prediction of where you could rank. Could I really made it to the Battle Royale?

The sun was bright on this snow dusted day. You could see all the contestants breath as we all marched onto the field for the speech given from the Headmasters.

"Esteemed Trainers! We gather here today for the beginning of a joyous event! The Drákon tournament!" Headmistress Ebony of Safine was the first to speak.

"As everyone knows. Safine Dragon Institution has been the reigning champion for the last 4 tournaments! But I say! Let's break that streak!" Headmaster Valios of Zelainia cheered to the part of the school dress in many shades of green.

"Let the games begin!" Headmaster Dashwood announced, pumping his fist in the air.

Headmistress Ebony was the only woman and the only one that went by her first name. She had long ebony coloured hair pulled back in a tight pony tail. Her eyes were the same incredibly light blue as Alex's.

My breathing hitched and I looked around for him. I guess he wouldn't be put in the same area anyway.

I looked back up at the Headmasters as they all snapped their fingers in unison and I was enveloped by darkness.

§ § §

When I came to, I was in a waiting room. A fairly large one that was home to my division. A Class Division. One wall was entirely glass so we could view the arena below. The room had scattered sets of furniture and a line of couches in front of the glass. Otherwise it wasn't that special.

Cora was placed in B Class, so I was stuck here all alone.

"Hey look, it's the Prodigy."

I turned to see a group of 5th years approaching me. Leading the pack was Samuel Regg. The 2nd Ranked fifth year in the school. The sixth to eighth years were in an entirely different league than us. They didn't even participate in this petty competition. I doubted any of them even showed up.

"What do you want, Regg?" I said, looking away from the window and at him, my expression bored.

"I want to know what a weak little third year is doing but here in A Class. You should be down in J Class where you belong." He sneered. His group of lackeys chuckled.

"Actually, I'm pretty sure you belong down there, Jackass." And I walked away to the other side of the lounge, sitting in one of the chairs in front of the glass.

The fight below was quite boring. Just two second years from Zelainia brawling with weak moves. I'm pretty sure we're allowed to leave our lounge, just not the arena.

So, I got up and walked out the doors into a hall that appeared to be never ending. It took a while to reach the Zelainia Hall.

I scanned the sets of doors until I came upon the one labeled C Class. I peeked inside. Everyone was lined up at the window, gawking at the fight.

I spotted the Strawberry blond hair of Jillian and Sabrina side by side and walked up behind them. "Hey guys. Why is everyone watching the second year fight?" I asked, poking their shoulders.

"Alice!" Sabrina turned around, surprised to see me in the Zelainia wing. "This fight isn't between just any 2 second years. One of them is Marina July." She said, pointing to the arena below us.

Marina July! She was royalty! I knew she attended Safine, but I didn't know she was so young. I assumed she was a 6th year or something. You would even think so by watching her fight.

Her Fighter Gear obviously showed her skill and status. (A/N: The chapter photo is her in her gear)

But she was barely putting in any effort. She stood in the same spot for the whole fight, just snapping her fingers. I couldn't hear her through the crowd and the glass but she looked very smug and bored.

She didn't move, neither did her opponent. Then I saw it, Marina seemed to flicker for a second and then when I looked back, the girl she was fighting was on the ground, bleeding from her stomach.

Marina had blood on her one dagger... She had an Era Dragon... She had time magic...

Marina grinned and simply turned to the roaring crowd, kiss her hand towards the cheering students. She was quite the celebrity, with all the schools.

I looked towards the Headmaster's table and they looked almost proud.

Marina strut off the battle grounds and the cheering died down as the poor girl was rushed away.

§ § §

After a short chat with the twins, I headed back to my lounge. This was only the first day of the tournament and I was already exhausted, and I hadn't even fought yet.

When I entered the room, everyone was crowded around one person.

"How did you pick such a powerful dragon?" One girl asked.

"How do you control something so powerful?" A boy questioned.

I finally saw who they were gathered around, Marina.

"One can't help being born into greatness. I must simply just live up to my title." Marina said. She had a Capital accent, very proper.

I looked over, there was only one not with the rest. Samuel Reggs. I walked over and sat down next to him causally. "Awwww. Feelin' left out, Reggs?"

He glared at me with brown eyes. "Shut up, would you? She's just a stuck up Royal Princess."

I nodded in agreement. "That may be true. But, she could also stop time, freeze us all and kill everyone in this room. So, I wouldn't piss her off if I were you." I was looked at her and her perfect ebony hair and dark blue eyes.

"Well, at least I hate someone more than you now." He sneered, and I couldn't help but laugh and he did too.

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