Chapter Fifteen

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What I found ironic, is that Cora's birthday is in August. I just always found it funny. Not that it was that odd.

I've heard legends, that the noble bloodlines are most powerful during their months. I've never really believed it. The nobles are just the descendants of the Queens twelve emissaries, trusted advisers.

I have also heard speculation wondering if the names of the months came first, or the Original Nobles did. Were they names after the months, or were the months named after them. I had to do a debate about it once in primary school. I never really knew what to believe in.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, just don't ask how I managed to get here. I'd have to kill you," Cora responded, placing the shoal over my shoulders, even if the chill in the air wouldn't bother me.

"Months or Original Nobles?" I asked and watched her pause out of the corner of my eye. I knew she knew what I was talking about, it was like what came first; the chicken or the egg?

Cora's dress was a deep navy blue, but melted into a darker midnight blue at the bottom of the skirt. It cut off just around mid calf on her, her perfect ankles and heel visible under the skirt. While Cora's skin was smooth and flawless, mine may be soft, but it was pale and dotted with scars.

But I didn't mind scars, they were proof that I had lived.

"That's the never ending question, is it not? I have never really had an opinion about it. It could have gone either way. But, those Originals were powerful people. So anything is possible," she responded vaguely as we headed out of the dorm room. The way Cora has been acting, it doesn't seem like her. Or maybe this was her, the real noble her.

Neither of us said anything said on our way down the flights of stairs from the top floor. But once we reached the main foyer, two things came to mind. "What if someone recognizes you?"

Cora smiled softly, pulling her grey coat tighter around herself. "I spoke with Headmistress Ebony about. She said I'm welcome to attend. Along with my date." And that answered my second thought.

"It's Xavier March, is it not?" a voice asked from behind us. Even with her mask on, the Princess' height and aura of power is unmistakable. Her short dress was a pattern of gold, silver and bronze, looking almost like gears turning together. Her mask had the same theme, like the inner workings of a clock.

Cora turned around rather abruptly, her gaze solely on Marina. With her dark masquerade mask, it was difficult to tell the exact expression on her face as she gazed down at her. But, there was an obvious tension there.

I cleared my throat and smiled as best I could at Cora. "So you brought Xavier? Sounds great. Reg— I mean Samuel asked me to go with him."

Cora then turned to me, a clear shocked look on her face. "You didn't ask Jack?" she question, taking a step closer.

"No..." I responded simply, not saying anything else. But Marina spoke up.

"Jack and I are going together. You and I both know we can't risk the lose of reputation." Marina smiled tightly, her copper colored necklace glinting in the light of the foyer. The dorms were all season themed. Having four dorms for the first to sixth years. The seventh and eight years live across campus on the forest's edge. I've heard their dorms were much larger and more luxurious. I wouldn't know, the forest edge dorms are completely off limits to us. Marina and I were in the winter dorm. I always thought it suited me perfectly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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