Chapter Eleven

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I pulled my wrap tighter around me. I had tried my best to dress down for tonight. Although, it was well past sunset and the streets were deserted.

This was one of my favourite parts of the capital. It had a winter theme to it. All the leaves on the trees were white, the bark a dark brown. The stones that the streets were paved with are pearly white. They reminded me of the walls of Safine. Even the buildings had an aura of winter to them. I could see why Alice picked such a place. Snow Drop sector could very well be her natural habitat.

I stepped past the gates of the park, snow crunching beneath my feet. Even if I basically just stepped into winter in the middle of summer, the air wasn't as cold as I thought. I still held the thick shawl tightly around myself.

It was quite difficult to sneak my way out of the estate. There were constantly maids idling around, waiting for me to call on them. But that wasn't my first time escaping.

I was 11 years old. I ended up at the March Estate and they contacted my father. He never really trusted me after that.

The park was rather large, so I had no idea where Alice expected me to meet her. I let out a exasperated breath. That letter gave next to no details. For all I knew, she won't show up.

I looked down at my boots. They were made of an expensive leather, the fur inside cradled my cold feet. I chose out the thickest leggings I own, and a deep wine coloured velvet dress, a bit longer than most.

It was the best I had from my summer wardrobe. Apparently I wasn't allowed pants as a noble; too improper. I couldn't manage a coat, I had run out of time, so it was the grey shawl instead.

I spotted foot prints in the otherwise perfect sheet of snow. My face immediately lifted, looking for signs of life, it was rather dark, so it proved difficult.

"Alice? You there?" I called and took a couple steps forward. A twig snapped not too far away
and I whipped my head in that direction. "Are you playing tricks on me?"

I clump of snow fell from a branch above me. It fell upon my head, coating my head and shoulders in snow. I let out a yelp of surprise at the suddenly cold sensation.

I scrambled to brush it off, probably looking my a complete fool. My vision was blurred by the snow and I went to wipe it away.

There was a figure approaching me in the moonlight. "Alice?" I questioned quietly to myself.

"Lady Cora?" A male voice called, getting closer.

I used my shawl to wipe the snow from my face, finally seeing the stranger. "Lord Xavier." I was suddenly standing up straighter, dusting snow from my hair.

"What are you doing out here at this hour?" His voice was thick and sweet like honey, filled with concern.

He was wearing a long black coat and a knitted red scarf. Instead of his charcoal locks being gelled back like usual, it was in a handsome mess.

"I- uh, I was just-" I sputtered over my words, staring into his worried amber eyes.

"You look freezing! Where's your coat?" He demanded, coming even closer. Without a second thought, he slipped off his coat and went to put it around my shoulders.

I went to deny the offer, but he insisted, placing it on my shoulders. His hands rested there for a moment, looking deeply into my eyes, as if searching for the answer to his questions there.

He must have seen the disappointment in my eyes when he appeared. "Were you waiting for someone?" He asked almost sadly.

What should I tell him? That I'm waiting for my best friend? And what we both snuck out in order to get here? I pressed my lips together, breaking away from his gaze.

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