Chapter Six

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That day was rather boring. Just all the second years pushing each other around. Of course Marina July had come out on top.

Everyone evacuated from the stadium and back to their dorm buildings. But I really didn't feel like sitting around my room all night. I rather find something fun.

"You know we're not supposed to in here this late." Alice commented as we walked around the spring sector of the Dome.

Cherry blossom petals rained down around us in the setting sun that shone through the glass dome. I almost felt it was too much of a romantic setting for two "friends" going for a walk.

"Yes, but what's life with out taking risks?" I said with a crooked smile and then gestured to a small grove of trees that would be perfect to sit in.

Alice sat down first, sitting cross legged on the soft earth. I sat in front of her, my leg propped up and my arm resting lazily on it.

"Jackson December, aren't you being a rebel!" She exclaimed sarcastically and I couldn't help but laugh.

No one addressed me by my whole name here, I didn't even know she knew it. "How do you know about my family name?" I asked, trying not to sound rude.

"Oh, yes. Cora told me. This is Cora August by the way, part of a noble blood family as well." She said as she froze petals by poking them.

My breathing hitched at the name. "Cora August? As in the August that ran away from her family?" I questioned, sitting up straighter.

"Yes, I do suppose most in the noble line do know about that... Why do you ask?" She said, finally looking up at me with her bright blue eyes.

I nervously scratched the back of my neck and took a deep breath. "I was... Uh... Supposed to marry her."


After everyone had flooded out of the stadium, I had stayed. I had reviewed a note that morning that I had only assumed was from Alice. I was wrong.

"Cora. What are you doing here?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest. The two of us stood in the centre of the empty arena, the lights that were shining on the dirt below had been shut off for the night and we were felt in the darkness.

"I'm here to tell you something Alice is just too afraid to tell you," She said, taking a couple steps closer so I could hear her better. "You have to let her go."

Cora didn't look right, there were bags under her eyes and I'm pretty sure she wasn't wearing that outfit earlier. I had known Cora for two years now, and there was most definitely something off.

Before I could interrupt, she continued. "You're just not right for her right now. She's so in love with you, you don't even know how much she loves you. I wouldn't be saying all this if I didn't feel it necessary, but I think it is. I'm sure you've noticed her hanging around with Jack December lately. I don't want you to get in their way...."

I stood there in shock, not sure what to say. Thankfully she kept talking.

"Maybe you'll get the girl. But let her be with him right now. Because if he isn't, Jack and I will be forced to do something we both don't want to do. He's in love with her, Alex. And if he can show his parents that he needn't get an arranged marriage, then maybe I stand a chance..." She trailed off. Near the end, I lost her point, but I'm sure it was meaningful.

"I know what it's like to be in love with someone and for them to not love you back. But... Love is unpredictable, I'm sure you'll find it, with Alice or anyone else."

Cora smiled softly and started to walk away, turning to wave quickly. "Just give them until the tournament is over. Give them a chance for love too."


Sorry this chapter is rather short, but I have a grand ANNOUNCEMENT!!!

As I'm sure you all know, the final battle royal at the end the tournament has a team of 5 from each school! Well, I have decided 4 out of these five character to compete.

So! I have a CONTEST for you! Send me your original characters that I will add into the book and be the fifth team member! They can be male or female and anywhere between 15 and 17 years old (2nd to 5th year). And I would like to have a physical description as well.

THE WINNER! Will get a dedication, credit for the OC. They will get to know the know the four other competitors and maybe a few other sneak peeks! ;)

Message me your OCs people! I'm not sure when I'll announce the winner, but obviously some time before the battle royal!

Good luck!
- Jlaicecream

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