Nova pt. 7

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I read the text from Barry. I can't help but smile at my phone. "Maybe it is. You kinda helped it though." I press send. I know I'm coming off as flirting now. At this point I don't care. He's a cute guy. It would be crazy for me not to flirt with him. I have this little voice in my head telling me he likes me or, at least a little bit. I don't know though. "How can anyone like me?" I think to myself. I'm so... Me. Being me hasn't gotten me a boyfriend before and I'm pretty sure it's not starting today. I just feel like there is something more to him. It intrigues me. It draws me to him. It's like a good book you can't put down. He's just so mysterious yet easier to read than most guys. He puts all the cards on the table when he's talking to you. He wants you to know exactly what he thinks about that topic and he doesn't hold back. That is what makes me want to know more. What am I going to do? I really like Barry. I can't tell him we just met. This is going to be a complicated yet really interesting friendship. Hopefully one day it will develop into something more. I mean only time can determine that and well... Barry. My phone vibrates and its Barry.

Barry and NovaWhere stories live. Discover now