Barry pt.29

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She seemed to have realized that we were both still naked and then turned red. "I don't want you to leave and neither do I. I want to stay with you if you have a baby. I don't want to leave you because of this and I won't." I say as se looks at me in comfort. "If you have this baby I will help you raise it beside I'm not leaving your side no matter what." She seemed to be getting happier as I went through my speech. "You and I will it through this no matter what happens or what we have to do." In my head I knew I wouldn't leave but what if I couldn't get a job to help support them; I was terrified to have a kid but I wasn't leaving Nova because of it. "I am never leaving your side Nova. No matter what." And after that I stared into her eyes waiting to see what would happen next.

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