Barry pt. 58

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After we took a shower and went to bed Nova layer down and grabbed my arm and turned over, making my arm wrap around her. And I could feel my body pressed against hers; I could feel our warmth swapping through each other as we payed on the bed, pressed against each other, slowly falling asleep. The next morning I woke up before Nova but I didn't want to leave. Honestly, I never wanted that to end, I wanted to lay there forever and never have to get up again so I fell back asleep for another 10 minutes before waking up again and getting up and brushing my teeth and going downstairs and fixing everyone breakfast; scrambled eggs and burnt toast for Nova, scrambled eggs and bacon for my mom, and scrambled eggs and orange juice for my siblings. I went and woke Nova up my kissing her awake, my mom was already awake and said she would get my siblings up and dressed. Whenever Nova got up she went and took another shaker and brushed her teeth as well before coming downstairs and eating. She said she had something planned for us to do today and told me to go get dressed so I did.

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