Nova Part 53

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"Yes Mrs. Smith..." I said and looked at her. She seemed calm but she did seem worried about Barry and I. "Stephanie sweetie... I need you to go home. I'll see you tomorrow." Barry's mom said. "Tomorrow?" Stephanie said. "Yeah when we take Nova shopping." She replied. "Oh... Okay..." Stephanie said. She hugged Barry and I good bye and left. Barry's mom pulled a chair up from the dining room table and say in front of Barry and I. We were still holding hands and his thumb rubbed over my hand. She looked into mine and his. "I'm not mad Barry... Im just disappointed that you didn't ask me to get you condoms or something to prevent this. I knew I should've I just didn't think about buying you some before. I guess I just hoped you wouldn't be like your dad and I. I had you when I was 16. I just wanted loves your dad." She said. "I know mom. I love Nova that much. We are going to take full responsibility and we are going to take care of them. I love her and them. I'm scared to death but I know I can do this. As long as I have Nova. I can do anything as long as I have her." He said. "Okay. If you are so set on doing this then here's the plan. Nova moves into your room. Then guest room will now be the nursery and as soon as we can we start working on it. Nova you will need to do online schooling and I'll pick up some extra shifts at work so you'll have to babysit your brother and sister. Barry... When the baby is born you can either keep going to school or do online schooling." She said. "Yes Mrs. Smith." I say. I'm so glad she isn't mad and I'm glad she is letting me stay here and is going to help the best she can. I'm going to get a job as soon as possible and help. They are mine too and I love them and Barry and I really want to stay here and have this loving family like Barry does. I hope one day we can be family.

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