Barry pt. 5

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I sat on the roof for another 5 minutes thinking about Nova and how absolutely beautiful she is, before hearing the bell that ends first period. I head to my second period class which is Honors Biology, I don't like Mr. Lambert,the teacher, he's always yelling at someone. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, for some reason I really hope it's Nova. The text reads "Hey. I wanted to see if I got the number correct." It could tell it was from Nova, I felt a big smile go across my face. I responded with "Is this Nova?" not much longer she responds with "Yea, this is her. Hey Barry." She's so cute,how did someone like me get the chance to talk to someone as pretty as she is. I responded with "Hey Nova. Is anything happening?" she responds,almost simultaneously with "No, I was just making sure I had the right number but any well, you had best go so you don't get in trouble." I had a feeling she didn't really want to go so I responded with "I won't get in trouble. We can keep talking; if you want." I had no idea how she would respond.

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