Dedicate To Angela_R

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This part is only a Dedicatory and a Dedication to a supportive and awesome person who believes in me and show me i can still believe in my capacities.

A beauty and a lovely girl who i expect she's gonna still be one of my huge fans and a friend forever.

To Angela_R, i'll dedicate my story "Totally Awkward". And i hope my stories especially this open the hearts to others persons and the effects perdure forever.

A huge kiss, a big hug and a giant smiley in retribution and this little dedicatory to you Angela_R. Like always take care a lot of you and still be so nice and sweetie like now. Your writes are greats and the most important don't let write cause you have a huge road in front of you and that open to you the possibility to huge more and be a better writer than you're.

So now i'll say goobye to you; and i'll hope you love this dedicatory cause is the first i'll write for someone who appreciate my stories.

Take care a lot beauty, bye.


Totally Awkward (Matthew G. Gubler)Where stories live. Discover now