Pack meeting

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Chapter 5
P.O.V Mareslya

The pack meeting starts at noon and its now 11. I'm so nervous. Sure I know almost all the pack, because I'm from the beta family. But this is different I'm about to become future Luna of my pack.

For the pack meeting I wore a all white dress that stopped mid thigh. Cream color pumps and put on a little make-up. I straightened my hair, while my bangs are swooped to the left and are straighten to perfection.

As soon as I walk out the bathroom I see Shaquan standing in the closet in front of one of the body mirrors that are located on the closest door. And is trying to button the buttons that are located on his cuff. He looks like struggling. So I walk over to help him.

"Here let me help you." I say as grab his arm and button his cuffs for him. But all he does is stare at me with wide eyes. "What?!"

"Nothing... um... you look beautiful. Perfect. Thats it you look perfect." He said while blushing a little.

"Your so cute when you blush."

"Yeah yeah yeah. You ready to go and tell everyone your there future Luna?!"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Don't be nervous you most of the pack already. And everyone you meets loves you."

We walked to the back yard where everyone is waiting. Shaquan walks over to the stage, while I wait by the stairs. I walk on the stage when he says he found his mate and there future Luna. I'n really nervous we haven't even told our parents yet. We wanted everyone to know at the same time. Minus Derrit Jazz and the other girl from the party.

Shaquan cleared his throat and everyone went silent and turned there attention to there future Alpha.

"Well everyone I have great news. I have found my mate and your future Luna." Here goes nothing I walk on the stage and felt everyone eyes watching me. "My mate and your future Luna is Mareslya Anderson." He said as he wrapped a arm around my waist. Just then everyone started cheering, clapping, and whistling. I let out a breath i didn't know I was holding in. He started talking again and everyone went quite. "I'll expect you to treat her with all the respect to treat me." Then we walked off the stage.

As soon as we were off the stage and off the steps my mother walked over to me and hit me in the back of the head.

"Ow. What did you do that for?"

"Because you didn't tell me. I should have been one of the first people to know."

"Sorry. We wanted everyone to know at the same time."

"Now that we got that out of the way. When can I expect to have Grandpups?" I started chocking on air.

"Soon very, very, very, very, very soon." Shaquan replied.

My mother squealed. My dad finally made his way into the conversation. "I expect you to take care of my daughter." My dad said.

"Of course Sir." Shaquan said the shook his hand.

I made my way over to where the drinks and snacks are. With Shaquan following me. I grab a water when Shaquan parents walk over to us. Shaquan mom Marie gave me a bone crushing huge while Shaquan dad Serious just shook my hand.

"Lets get down to business shall we." Marie said. "I want Grandpups and i want lots of them."

"What is up with you and my mom and Grandpups?"

"We want Grandpups because then we spoil them, give them lots of candy then send them back home. And since you guys just found out you were mates yesterday and you let him mark you I'm expecting Grandpups soon." She says in a duh tone.

"Don't worry mom you'll get your Grandpups soon." Shaquan says while winking at me.

Then they both walked away. Lots of people came up to us congratulating us and asking when will we have kids. And Shaquan keep telling everyone soon. After a hour or so passed started heading into the house. Most of the teens went to go get ready for the party that this names Jace was throwing at his house. So me and Shaquan went to go get ready for the party.

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